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See-through windows?


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I remember this mod for Oblivion, can't remember the name, saw it in a Youtube vid, but it was amazing, basically, it rendered a low res version of the outside world even if you was inside so you could see the outside world through windows, making you feel much more connected even though you're still seperate from the rest of the in-game world. It also rendered weather conditions so say you got to a inn in-game, you could look out your bedroom window and see the thunder-storm / rain pounding up against the window. Imagine that with Sounds Of Skyrim and how epic it would be.


Does anyone know of a mod like this or of someone who is willing to do it? It makes such a difference and really does make you feel like you're part of the world, I'd be forever grateful if someone was to do this.

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Edit: say what now or is this a Nexus Bug, i see the Date of the Thread that it was made in June 2012, how in the world did i get on this Thread. I was Replying to this Thread, how did i end up at an Old Thread.


Edited by daventry
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