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Slayer Armour + Swprd


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I was planning on holding off on Skyrim till at least the GoTY edition, but I just couldn't help myself after looking at all the mods and having some ideas of my own. One of said ideas is this light armour, Slayer Armour.


I'm about to begin modeling, so I thought I'd post the concept for the armour and it's one-handed sword:




I also wanted to give it a shield, but not the usual type. Therefore, huge gauntlet shield:




So yeah. I'll be posting progress soon.


(Please tell me animated shields are possible)


(Also, "Swprd"? Dammit.)

Edited by McMutton
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Ye GODS this process isn't user friendly, though I suppose it's because NIFtools doesn't work with the new Blender versions yet.


I got the headpiece finished and assigned all of the vertices to a vertex group called Head. Then I exported it as a 3DS, and replaced the default Iron Helmet's TriShapeData with it in NIFSkope, and went through all of the blocks correcting the vertex and triangle counts.


The model itself looks just fine in NIFSkope, but the wireframe that shows up when I look at the Skin Partition Blocks under the Dismemberment bit is a huge mess, and when I edit the vertex and triangle counts in there, a part of the model disappears.


I don't see what the hell is the issue; I'm taking all of the data from the default Iron Helmet, which works, and simply replacing its geometry/TriShapeData. And I know that the skinning I did works, since it's attached to the head during the animations.

Edited by McMutton
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Wow this looks its gonna be really nice, espacially like the cloth collar and leather straps, and only armor on one arm also looks badass :)


And yes animated shield are possible, if you take a look at this mod:



The creator of this states:

"I posting this for this reason too, so far I've seen mods that add animated weapons(may already exist but I have not found it), so if someone wants to animate their weapons, can take a look the nif files, and copy the transformation nodes"


Good luck with this awesomeness!

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Ah, thank'eh Smeden.


Photobucket's stopped throwing a fit, so here's what the screwed up mesh looks like:



I'd have just edited my previous post, but now the Nexus is throwing a fit and keeps giving me an error.

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Could be wrong, but those yellow lines sure look like a collision mesh. Collision meshes aren't needed for armour (unless it's the ground version); check to see if there's a bhkCollisionOPbject in the .nif, and if so, remove that branch.


I've yet to try exporting weighted meshes using the .3DS import. Usually I follow the tutorials and append to blender2.49 for .nif export. Let me know how it goes!

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Nah, no Collision block. The wireframe appears when I go into the Dismemberment branch.


Anyone know if modeling and texturing in Blender 2.5+ and then porting it to an earlier version for rigging and exporting would work?



Finished the model, too:


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It sorta looks like the Champion Mage armor from Dragon Age 2 in some areas.



I like the look of it, but if I were to give my opinion, the heel on the boot isn't preferable. But, other than that, the armor is pretty damn cool. Also, this is your armor, so you do what you want to with it, that was just my opinion.


Goodluck with the armor!

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I friggin' love that armour, but somehow managed to forget about it. I may steal a bit of the right arm's design for the shield arm.


Also, I lied. NOW the model is finished. Plus sword.




Now for textures.

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Okay, if you want to put it from blender 2.5x into blender 2.49 for .nif import, that's super easy; all you need to do is use the "append" feature.


If you want to get it from 2.63+ into 2.49, then it's a little more complex.

2.63 has Bmesh, which has completely rewritten a lot of stuff, and the bottom line is that appending it to a non Bmesh version will not communicate the UVs, or the faces. You'll end up with a mesh entirely made of edges, and no UV data.


Luckily there's a workaround: export to another format (like .obj) and import it in the non-Bmesh version. (just remember that .obj doesn't retain vertex weight data).


Have fun! :teehee:


By the way, your mesh looks great. Nice topology.

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In that case, it seems that my wont to forget to do stuff saved me from extra work; I had intended to get the new Blender when I heard about the Bmesh thing, since it sounded useful, but never actually got around to it and eventually forgot. Yusss.


Finished the base textures on the torso armour:



And I threw together specular and normal maps:


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