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Crashing in Solitude


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Hey there. Now Skyrim's an unstable game, I know, but the issue I'm having right now is more irkfull than usual. I've found that recently (as in around about since the latest patch) my character can no longer enter Solitude. I also couldn't enter Windhelm or Riften (or even the area immediately around it), plus the odd dungeon, though for the most part these have been fixed. I had though that it was a corrupted save file or mod that was causing these errors, but after removing all my mods and saves the error still persists even on a new game. So any ideas on what's corrupting the cell and how to sort it out? I've already lost a 50 hr character because of this....I really don't want to lose my current 15hr one (and hell every character I create) to it too. =/
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Since, most of what you describe are exterior cells when you CTD.....try this http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/703954-are-you-having-constant-exterior-ctds-ive-finally-found-your-solution/ Worth a shot.
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