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Yet Another CTD


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Skyrim worked fine until I installed SkyRE and then it glitched when I tried to make a new character(The glitch where your pc keeps walking) but I read that that could be caused by the animated prostitution mod (don't know how that one got there lol) so i deactivated it (this was several days ago) and went to play it again today and so I updated SKSE followed all the directions to the letter and it crashes after bethesda logo, so i try to run it through NMM same deal and it won't work through steam either. I have uninstalled any mod that used SKSE (only two big ones I had were SkyUI And SkyRE) adjusted the audio playback properties and still nothing.


Now does anybody have any idea what could be doing this? Because most of my mods are weapon mods,housing mods or texture mods and i don't think they would cause problem because they all worked up until SkyRE. Somebody please help 'cuz I think I'm starting to go into withdrawls.

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