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Enemies NPCs Have lightning fast attack speeds


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For some reason I've noticed that all enemy npcs that use weapons (ranged,melee) Have a super fast attack rate with normal swings.


They still perform slow power attacks and what not but when they do regular swings I can barely notice that they swing at all, but I can still hear the swing/ hit sounds and I lose hp very fast scaling to the unseeable attacks.

Bows/ranged attacks have the normal "reload" time but the arrows travel amazing fast. At first this wasn't a big deal but stronger enemies would kill me in a matter of seconds as they would do around 10 hits in 3 seconds. Animals and bugs and any actual npcs that don't have an equipable weap are fine and also I don't have any weap speed changing mods, and my character swings fine aswell


I've been experimenting myself in seeing if maybe its a certain mod thats causing this or a combination of mods but to create multiple saved to test all possible combinations will take a rather long time.


If anyone knows anything about this or has had similar problems please let me know if you have figured the cause or even a solution. I'll work on showing all my used/unused mods that I have tonight to provide a lot more detail.

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This seems to happen to my character as well, using melee seems to be very quick and creates glitch attacks that you can hear but don't have to go through the whole animation for.


I think it could be the update to be honest.

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  • 1 month later...

I had the exact same problem! kept testing stuff and found the problem.


What I did is...


Go to your Skyrim/data/mesh/actors/characters/behaviors


If you have 2 "0_master.hkt" files, you need to remove one of them.


Then "Bingo" It should be fixed.



Edited by Kurph
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