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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
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    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
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On that note, I did edit the line out. So no moar problems, or an evil giant demonic ninja boar will peck out your eyes and then snuggle you to death :devil:
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Sweet! I will post immediately.


Edit: Apparently that thing Jackson said about the whole more women watching is somewhat offensive, so ima fix it. Forgive me for trying to be funny, I'll use more random stuff then :mad:


oh, that smiley represents how i feel atm, s'all i'm sayin. Hopefully no more damn edits are necessary, pesky things :psyduck:


Offensive? I'd love to see how. It's a fact of nature that many young men are attracted to women in little clothing, and as Flipout's character is a young teen with testosterone pumping, it's staying in character very well.


Personally i am not offended in the slightest, and i'm not sure how anyone could take it offensively. It's an Rp, we murder people in Rp's, and have many plotlines of explicit violence, if that doesn't "Offend" i don't see how having a teenager act how a teenager would act to be offensive. :confused:


My bit said.

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Hey, where'd everybody go? It's like a ghost town in here now :ohdear:
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Well I got a slight writers block (ok its massive but shhh) so its going to take some time for me to post :P sorry guys.



Also i have so many things buzzing around in my skull that i cant think up much stuff

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I'M NOT DEAD! DON'T KILL CATHY OFF! D: I've just had no internet, way too much crap going on, and.. Well... Borderlands. BUT THAT'S IRRELEVANT. I'M ALIVE, SOMEONE CONTROL CATHY FOR ME. Seriously, I give everyone I listed last time full permission to control her FULLY until further notice, because I have a lot of BS to get in order. e.e


Also, if someone could sum up what's happened since last time I DID post, that'd rock, because I jsut cannot read those 547643543543 pages I missed right now...

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I've just had no internet, way too much crap going on, and.. Well... Borderlands.


hehe, I can say that we both share a liking for B-lands then. XD

Edited by Flipout6
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Yup. also Moxxi. Yay Moxxi.


Goddamn lesbianism. Why must you enjoy busty video game skanks? e.e

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Yes, Moxxi is epic. Who else could be a complete flirt, and still be awesome?


.... Besides me. ;3 [i'm joking.]

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