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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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I don't know about the tower, but I do know Versing won't leave DC for a while...well, probably. It takes no more than a year to walk from one side of the country to the other, and the group isn't at the very edge of the States, so it should be quicker. So if they left a year before Hoover Dam battle number 2, they could make it with time to spare.


I don't know, if people want to I could have Vers leave ASAP but I doubt most people want that.

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We can't leave the loose ends untied here before we leave, that's for sure. I think we should maybe head to Big Town or something after we fix it up and move them to the tower... That'd make for some really funny situations, I think.


Edit: *wakes up, logs in groggily, visits discussion, visits roleplay, sees post mentioning Big Town* Either I read the post before and unconsciously remembered that or I am effing psychic.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Well, if the appearence could be non-canon, I'd be fine with having Cathy appear in your story. If it HAS to be canon, though... Perhaps maybe Cathy could be hiding something about her past? Maybe she didn't really come from the brotherhood? Maybe she did, but she's an Agent from the Mojave Chapter? Maybe she came from someplace else in the world. Maybe she's secretly a wanted Criminal. ;3
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, uh, anybody home?


it's like every RP except Faerun and the Mass Effect one have been abandoned.

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Sam Jacobs

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Caucasian

Karmic Alignment: Good

Appearance: Normal

Clothing/armor: Trench Coat

Starting Weapon: Revolver

Skills/Occupation: luck,speech and bargaining

Personality: friendly and reliable, you can always count on Sam to get out of a argument without bloodshed.

History/Background: born to and Raised by Sarah and jack Jacobs, Sam's Been sort of a diplomat in his home town, his silver tongue could get him out of anything, from getting lower prices for goods at the local store to fixing other people's messes he's been great at solving thing's without getting anybody killed, he left his home at the age of twenty three to explore the world and find his own riches.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have a plot idea in mind and this fellow will be the one to start it, with any luck
Name: Defender Urien Carkiridon

Gender: Male

Age: 40


Race: African-American

Karmic Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: Urien has dark skin, average-sized brown eyes, and black hair that's been buzzed completely down to the wood, so to speak. He's tall, broad-shouldered, thickly built, and very muscular. As a result of this he's incredibly strong and enduring, rivalling Morgan (and, as a result, some super mutants.) He always walks like he has a weight on his shoulders, the signature posture of a power-armor user. Three white scars tear from his upper left cheek to his bottom right lip, the result of a fight with a feral ghoul.

Clothing/armor: Urien's face is almost always encompasses by an Outcast power helmet, as is the rest of him. In the rare event he's caught outside of his power armor, he'll be wearing similarly painted Recon armor.


(Optional) Pet: He's personally programmed and repaired his own Mr. Gutsy his fellow Outcasts have dubbed "Bug-eyes" though Urien simply refers to it as "bot" It's your standard Mr. Gutsy in terms of equipment but programmed to follow his orders to the letter, which usually consists of following him and helping him fight. It will often immolate enemies in fire as Urien lays down suppressive fire from his minigun, and firing plasma rounds to pick off individuals.

Starting Weapon: Urien's weapon of choice is a well-maintained Minigun with the damped subframe and high-speed motor modifications, making it extremely rapid-fire, accurate, and deadly. Of course it's heavy, meaning that combined with his power armor he's one of the slowest-moving people on the battlefield, albeit the one who shoots the most and acts as walking cover. For backup he carries a super sledge, granting him melee superiority at the cost of further speed penalties. Because of the bulkiness of his weapons, Urien is slow to switch weapons and often resorts to kicking foes backwards or smacking them with the minigun until he can get the super sledge out.

Skills/Occupation: Urien is a member of the Brotherhood Outcasts, and as such has been extensively trained in various forms of combat, but he excels by far the most with heavy weapons and melee combat. He can fight using smaller firearms or unarmed, but will be quickly overwhelmed by a specialized opponent in these fields. He has a lot of skill in the maintenance and repair of robots and his preferred weapons, and knows basic first-aid, though nothing advanced. He is rather unperceptive and can be taken by surprise easily if not in a fight, and is more apt at filling enemies with fifteen rapid-fire bullets than he is at killing them with a single well-placed one, which has the potential to be a fatal disadvantage.

Personality: Urien is focused, blunt, and single-minded (with the exception of combat.) and has a hell of an attitude against most. As a result he's disliked by some, though none can deny his prowess with any weapon child-sized or bigger. He's fiercely loyal to the Outcasts and hates the Brotherhood, whom he sees as idiotic, naïve traitors. Because of his Outcast beliefs, he's enemies with anybody whom the Californian Brotherhood is enemies with, meaning Versing (Being NCR.) the Enclave, and Caesar's Legion, as well as being rude and dismissive with regular wastelanders.

History/Background: Urien spent his childhood, teenage years and many years of his adulthood with the Brotherhood of Steel in the Citadel, hating the humanitarian direction they were taking and insisting they focus on technology and the knowledge of the lost world (no, I don't mean Jurassic Park.) He was one of the most vehement in his beliefs and helped plan the separation of the Outcasts from the rest of Lyons' people. He has since then enthusiastically accepted missions and served the Outcasts to the peak of his ability, serving as a valuable asset to his fellows and superiors.


When the word of what happened to the Brotherhood base at Bailey's Crossroads reached the rest of the Outcasts, Urien was enraged. (See the end of Operation: Anchorage for details.) He wanted revenge against those he saw as responsible and suggested war, something that many of his superiors took into account. Since then, Outcasts in downtown DC (way downtown, I'm not talking the three miles we explore in-game.) have been stocking up on weapons and armor, keeping them in mint condition, and rigorously training and preparing its members for war, hidden from the eyes of the Capital Wasteland.

Edited by Flipout6
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