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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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I have returned! I've had some real life issues going on, coupled with laziness, but due to nagging, I have returned! XD I'mma get caught up and such... Also nethgros, you are approved, so go get on in there if you haven't already! (Yeah I'm a bit behind) ;D


Oh right, and I've started on drawing Axelle... It looks wonderful so far, but I need to just get the shoulders and arms drawn... I'm great at everything but the appendages <.<


I keep forgetting stuff... Also, mythic, you can join right in. I've been neglecting doing stuff in here too so no worries :P

Edited by tokyobleach
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Okay, guys... So I'm having trouble figuring out how I'm gonna jump back in here... >.> The amount of time that's passed seems to have jumped to several hours inexplicably and Axelle can't just have been standing outside Megaton for all that time... xD My only idea is to have a kind of "What she was doing" type thing, I dunno... I'm so stupid c:
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Mythic convinced me after I mentioned I liked the idea of this RP.. I'm new to forum RPing, so, if I do get approved, forgive idiocy. Please? :<


Anyways, this is my character, sorry if she sucks. Lol


Name: Catherine "Cathy" Drake


Gender: Female


Age: 24


Race: Human, Caucasian


Karmic Alignment: Neutral, mainly dipping to Evil if need be, or good for friends


Appearance: Cathy stands 5'8", weighs about 129 LBS, give or take 10 or 20, though a lot of it is muscle, not fat. Her bust is at an alluring 40D, with a very noticeable butt of 40 inches, used for her alluring tactics. Finally, she has 3 unique tattoos, a pink and black skull and cross-bones on her left shoulder blade, which seems to be her personal symbol, a snake coiling around her ankle, and a small paw print tattooed below her left eye, most likely in tribute to her first canine companions. She has long blond hair with what appear to be natural black and brunette streaks in it, and unique eyes in that her left eye is Grey while her right eye is a dark red.


Clothing/armor: For her Armor, casually she'll wear either a two piece suit of Leather Armor, possibly low-riding in the pants, depending on her mood, or a similar idea with her own Modified Shoulder-less Combat Armor. For special fights, she owns a suit of uniquely painted T-45d Power Armor, painted similarly to the Outcasts, only with a a dark reddish/pink hue as apposed to flat-out red, and a pink skull and cross-bones covering the Outcast Symbol, the symbol still slightly visible underneath, assuming she either looted a dead Outcast, or killed them herself. For casual, leisurely times, she'll wear a simple black tank-top with sleeveless, opened Leather Armor jacket-turned-vest, black, color-worn skirt, similar to the commonly found Merc Charmer clothing, and a pair of either black, sightly worn work-boots and white socks, or a pair of gorgeous high-heeled sandals for special occasions. also a backpack to aid in carrying her heavy or over-packed supplied, such as Ammo and Clothing. She also wears a small gold-chained necklace with what appears to be two locks of slightly braided canine hair, assumed to be the hair of her deceased puppies, as well as a slightly battered but otherwise okay pre-War locket with a picture she hasn't shown anyone before [Yet...]


(Optional) Pet: She has a pet dog named Rex Jr. [Not to be even remotely confused with Cyber-dog Rex; He's the same breed as Dogmeat, an Australian Cattle Dog.] who was the puppy of Rex Sr. [Again, not Cyberdog Rex. this Rex was a Siberian Husky, ala Smile.dog.] and an un-named female dog, both deceased in an attack by Raiders a year or so prior. She also has a half-pet Crow named Raven, who usually goes her own way, but will occasionally join Cathy by sitting on her shoulder.


Starting Weapon: a surprisingly pristine Colt M1911, 350 .45 rounds, a specially painted M1 Garand, sporting her pink-and-black skull and crossbones, specifically for hunting wild animals, or a last resort if she has nothing left to use and a Bowie Knife for close-combat. Her looks are quite powerful as well.


Skills/Occupation: She is very skilled at any type of gun or explosive, though she prefers Grenades, Pistols and Rifles. however, give her an Energy Weapon, and it's like giving a baby Algebra homework. Aside from Laser and Plasma Pistols, she fails to know how to work any others. She is amazing as hacking computers, despite her stupidity with Energy Weapons, as well as picking locks, even if she may break 4 or 5 Bobby Pins before getting it. Due to her use of her looks to get what she wants, she's very good at talking her way out of jams, and at bartering for better prices with Traders.


Personality: Catherine is a blunt, rude and seemingly evil woman to people she doesn't like and/or trust. However, smart people can see she's an okay person deep down. She uses her looks and charms to manipulate man or woman, but will never go as far as engaging sexually with a man. she is a lesbian, having been kicked out of the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel [initiate only, don't worry. But it's how I got my Power Armor Training] for an affair with a high-up female member. She holds a great disdain towards the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood Outcasts as well, but would never stoop to helping anyone who is or was a member of the corrupt Enclave, nor the Enclave itself. She may be gruff initially, but she cares deeply for her friends, often getting mad at them to the point of physicality when they want to do something rash or stupid.


History/Background: Born in Canterbury Commons, she had a rough life when her parents were killed by Raiders at the tender age of 4. The Raiders, instead of killing her, kidnapped her the same night, using her for their violent sexual acts. That continued until she was 10, when she escaped the fort they holed up in [once known as the Robot Repair Center] slitting the throat of the Raider Boss and his "Wife." [Don't think Raiders have traditional weddings... Or wives, to be honest.] She roamed the wastes for a few days, eventually wandering near the Super Mutant Encampment across from the Citadel. Not knowing what was about to happen, she ventured in, hoping to find caps or food, only for a Mutant to shoot her in the ribs. When she awoke the first time, she saw someone in a grey-silver armor beheading the mutant, before passing out again, finally waking up in the Citadel. From then on, she began training, working her way up to Initiate, and wasn't far from becoming a Knight, until the fateful morning at the age of 17, when she was caught in bed with a member of the Lyons' Pride. the Lyons' Pride member and herself were exiled from the Brotherhood, with the former Elite blaming her for it. In a fit of rage, Cathy fired her M1911 into the eye-hole of her former lover's Power Helmet, killing her. From then on, she roamed the wastes yet again, making a name for herself as a woman as ruthless as Talon Company, yet as kind as the Regulators. 3 years following her exile, while wandering near the ruins of Raven Rock, collecting the near-destroyed Plasma and Laser Rifles and Power Armor scraps from years prior, in 2277, she happened upon a dog, gnawing on the bone of a long-dead Enclave soldier. The dog, who became Rex, took a liking to Cathy, becoming her traveling companion. not long after, a traveling salesman sold her another dog, however this dog had a missing leg. Eventually, two years prior to now, the dogs had a puppy, named Rex Jr. One year prior to now, however, the dogs were killed by Raiders in a blind revenge assault on Cathy's campsite, the Raiders having once been apart of the band that kidnapped her. The Raiders were finally killed once and for all, at a great cost. Now, she simply wanders Megaton and the surrounding area, having bought a small house in the town, near the house above the Brass Lantern, once belonging to an ex-Raider, and being a decently liked member of the community, occasionally splitting to Rivet City or another settlement for supplies for the town, herself, or other... Pleasures.


Welp.. that's that. Verdict, Jury? -Nervous shiver.- And, sorry for the tl;dr bits. >.>

Edited by DemonLady
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Oh..well..before that Tokyo I assumed you were with Morgan in an old post on this forum. Hm, you could be sleeping with us at the camp we made?

Dont give up!


I dont approve sheets for the rp but. Power armor use I believe requires special training only known to the BOS, :P

Edited by boneless1
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I know. the History states that she was an Initiate in the Brotherhood before she was exiled. She was around the rank of Reddin, hence how she got to learn Power Armor Training. :P


Plus it's known to the Enclave and Outcasts. -coughoperationanchoragecough-

Edited by DemonLady
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well the outcasts are ex brother hood so it has nothing to do with OA :P


Either way its a nice post, very well detailed and good. Gonna discuss with my colleague tokyobleach about it but for now im leaning towards an approval.


Again nice writing

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Why thank you! -Arrogant bow-


I was worried it was more like a story than a character sheet. Is there anything majorly wrong with it that I should look into changing, possibly? 'Cause I was thinking the history could be shorter, and her weapons could be a biiit less OP [Though they're not really, but, what did I give her, like 5 kick-ass weapons?]


and thank you for the writing compliment! I've never seen myself as much as a wrier, so even though some may be like "TL;DR BIATCH" I was like "Holy crap. Go me. :D"

Edited by DemonLady
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well perhaps a little bit less on the weapon front yes, like my morgan settles with a pistol, rifle and his trusty bowie knife. So maybe shave down there a bit. Other than that there is no real worry. The more detailed the more I can understand a character
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Should I edit the post, then? 'Cause i can easily remove the SMG and the rifle and stick to the Pistol, Frags and knife.


Which brings the question, they're STARTING weapons for a reason, yes? We would get other ones at some point if we chose?

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