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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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I think I can. Can you gimme a link to it and tell me where I can find her stat-sheet and where to paste it?
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Well darn, you are away about a weekend and you have about 20 pages to read and catch up on :P


sorry if ive been quiet guys but ive been at a friends house for the last 3 days and we have been doing some random stuff like playing mgs3 so i havent been able to read up. Anyways BestIdiot, its looking good so you have my approval

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I'm just posting this to say that I will not always be able to post at the breakneck pace I was yesterday, because my siblings (that I share the comouter with, similar to Tokyobleach.) came back from a trip. I'll still post as often as I can though,which will usually be at least once a day (on a bad day.)
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I am awake! Hooray! I shall respond again!


Also did just post, so...

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Ooh, you guys. I got an idea for an antagonist for Cathy and possibly the rest of the group. Should I make a character sheet for her and see how people like her?
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She'll probably be to Cathy as Junius is to Versing. So she'll be around for a good while, until she's ultimately defeated.


.... Or Cathy's defeated. :(

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Regarding my post that seems to be a new character, she's just a minor one that leads to the revealing of the new one. so, here's her small character sheet:


Name: Unknown, referred to as "Scum-sucker" by Cathy.


Gender: Female


Age: Unknown, probably mid-30s.


Race: African-american


Karmic-Alignment: Shes a Raider. do I have to answer this? Very Evil.


Appearence: A very skinny african Raider, most likely due to her excessive Chem use.


clothing/Armor: Simple Raider Badlands Armor


(Optional) Pet: Raider Guard Dog named Spyke


Starting Weapon: A Baseball Bat used for putting enemies in a daze, and a Spiked Baseball Bat named Prime


Skills/Occupation: ... Raider. ._.


Personality: Rude, disgusting and outright evil. Cares not for anyone but herself.


History/Background: She was apart of the gang of Raiders that "Owned" Cathy for a time, and wants revenge for the death of their Leader, and eventual disbanding.

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