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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Oh hey, Versing isn't OP, is he? I try and keep him reasonable, nothing really more than a tougher-than-average NCR trooper.

Junius is supposed to be powerful, but not Darth Vader. He obviously can't take on the whole group at once, but perhaps 2-3 at most. And his accuracy os average at best, and terrible at worst.

They're not too bad, are they? *chews nails*

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! There's no way the entire Legion army just got taken out by one bridge! Most of my plans for the story involved them being there!

Perhaps, 100-200? fine. But jeez, 972 men! I hope that's not what the intention was. And I don't think there was a bridge and a canyon between them and the tower. Perhaps a canyon on the mountain, but no bridge. :ermm:

Edited by Flipout6
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Will our gang ever go to the Mojave and confront Ceasar personally? J/w Edited by DemonLady
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Only if he doesn't get killed. After all, this takes place before New Vegas. Caesar must live, along with all the other named Legionairies. Tokyo posted somewhere a few pages back that heading from the Capital Wasteland somewhere else isn't prohibited. Mind you, Versing seems about to be reuinited with the NCR within the next 20 pages or so, 'cause of bloodplague's character and story involvement. Edited by Flipout6
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what Is that character? an NCR Spec Ops Agent? Lmao
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True, i never found blood's character sheet. maybe he PMed it to tokyo or mike
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Yeah he pm'ed it to me hang on a minute,


Name: Judge Sarina Cogh


Gender: Female


Age: classified


Race: Gen 3 Modified Human (chinese)


Karmic Alignment: hard to say as she is A-moral and lacks a concience.


Appearance: 6 foot black hair actually very attractive if she ever bothered to dress like anything but a soldier.


Clothing/armor: http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/40664


(Optional) Pet: none the concept of pets is foriegn to her


Starting Weapon: mikes sniper rifle and mikes smg 2 carbon ceramic machettes (more like swords really)

http://img810.images...lazorpewpew.jpg mikes .jpg


Skills/Occupation: Ncr Black ops (classified)


Personality: none yet all humanity was removed from her personality as an infant.


History/Background: sent to the wasteland by ncr headquarters in shady sands to remove the legion threat and clear the way for ncr migration north east.

saw a lunatic kill a deathclaw with a hand knife and has since started to shadow his group out of curiosity.


yay his character is using two guns i put together when i was bored :dance: hehe i've always known hes a fan of my work

Edited by MikeRyan
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Whoa, whoa, whoa! There's no way the entire Legion army just got taken out by one bridge! Most of my plans for the story involved them being there!

Perhaps, 100-200? fine. But jeez, 972 men! I hope that's not what the intention was. And I don't think there was a bridge and a canyon between them and the tower. Perhaps a canyon on the mountain, but no bridge. :ermm:


reading the post more carefully might show that the explosion was not on a bridge at all it was an explosion that collapsed a pass in the mountain the legion was using and maybe killed a dozen men or so. it was done so you had time to stop arguing amongst each other and sort out what was happening. and to delay the legion for a bit so you guys had more time to work out your plans. i would never even attempt to piss around with someones storyline they had planned out same as i expect ppl not to mess with the plans i have for my character. yes she is over geared right now but thats tempered by the fact she has a finite ammo supply thats signifigantly smaller then the rest of the team and her suit consumes power and at some point in the future this will become a problem for her as she is on her own on her mission with no resupply waiting to be airdropped or anything like that. eventually she will be forced to stop using her guns in favour of guns she can obtain ammo for etc.


i also asked you to read over the post for me and tell me if you wanted any changes made to it in steam chat.

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