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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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He no longer has a gun or any explosives, or even the components to make explosives right now. He still has the know-how to make some but no parts to start off. As such, he's a little ineffective right now, basically he can hide and hit people with a crowbar and that's about it for combat for now, he has plenty of survival stuff and he can tie some mean knots but not a whole lot else. Let me know if I should take anything else out.
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looks good, although of course im not the one who approves things XD.


I was planning on having Versing know how to make a few make-shift explosives, being an NCR trooper, but I suppose he doesn't know much about it for now. (Maybe a make-shift tin can grenade, similar to a dynamite, but that's about it.)

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Crowbars are where it's at. It breaks open doors, lifts giant pieces of rubble and bashes in skulls. what's not to love?
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Right. I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with what's going on. Ergo, I am dropping from this RP for now. I leave off for a few days and then the plot gets muddled in other things. Don't kill my chars off, I may be back, but feel free to move on with out me. Clearly you already do.
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sorry for not being active lately, you deadbeat sons of hookers.


I'm kidding.


But unfortuneatly, I've been up to my neck in work. Wedding planning for my cousin, work, babysitting, you name it, I was doing it. Literally.

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Lol, Versing is awfully argumentative today :biggrin: . It's not 'cause I'm angry with anyone or anything, just 'cause an NCR trooper will naturally want to shoot Legionairres :whistling: Edited by Flipout6
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