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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Well that was a rather, exciting end to the fight betwen junius, taurus, vers, morgan, loki, fenrir and a legion soldier. Oh how fun it was :D


A big thanks to flipout for letting me control junius for the ole reason of knocking the living daylights out of him

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Why does the armory have to suddenly be non-existant just 'cause Boneless dropped out? Just 'cause he's gone doesn't mean we can't go to the armory. Hell, we can make a new one, even. In fact, maybe I will; How about an armory hidden underneath either the Super Duper Mart itself [in that case, Cathy would trip over the door momentarily. Which reminds me, is the Super-Duper Mart Intact, or did it get entirely destroyed by explosions?] under the water near Project Purity, or under the ruins of Raven Rock, stashed full of Enclave tech [in this case, Cathy would remember that there was an odd, code-locked door near the Raven Rock ruins, and that'd cause everyone to head out that way.


That, OR, remember when I was saying we could implement mod locations? There's a mod called MERC 2, I could use the location of the MERC base as an Armory, but just pretend the MERC stuff never happened so it's purely an armory. And I'd be more than happy to give a screenshot of the bunker itself, either inside and out, or just out, and the location on the Pip-Boy.


THAT, or, someone can come up with a new location for an armory.


Whaddya guys think?


Also, sister's wedding is this Sunday, so after that, I oughta be much more active.

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First off, congratulations to your sister! ^^


Second off, any of those ideas sounds great. And we're only assuming boneless is gone, but his Steam does say he hasn't been online in a week now. He may just be having some real-life issues or something, and even if he isn't, he'd still be welcomed back when he returns... So it's best to say we're going to hit one armory in downtown DC since we're close already, and possibly one more a bit farther off. I like the idea of the Raven Rock one, for sure, and I'd like to see a screenshot of the MERC location, because that's also a really good idea.


Lastly, I've been so neglectful to this RP lately because I've been working on a new story that goes with NV, and I figured out of the three RPs I'm in, the Fallout one would understand most if I only paid attention to the discussion thread for a little while. ^^;

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On a note completely unrelated to just about everything, I posted a story in the Druid's Garden called That Old Lonesome Road, if anyone wants to read it. (If you do, please leave feedback :biggrin: )
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Firstly, thank you very much Kayla, dear.


Anyways, enough creeping out...


Secondly, I'll get those Screenies ASAP. Someone just needs to tell me how to properly imbed them in a post, and what website to use for it.... I tried it once in a PM with PicPaste and it failed... As for the other armories, I think everyone here'll agree, everyone needs to do some bartering with Megaton's resident whack-job, Moira and empty their bags.. After the battle at the Super-Duper Mart, I, for one, am carrying a crap-ton of looted armor and weapons that I don't need and only have for money, dunno about everyone else... It's the equivilant to me in an actual game: Over-encumbered and loving it.


Thirdly, get posting, lady!


Also, Lutine, I'm pretty sure it's a rule, forgive me if I'm an idiot, but don't do any OOC stuff in the RP thread; that's what this is for. You can still give an explanation of absense here and we'll read it. ^^


..... Eventually. ._.

Edited by DemonLady
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Hey everyone, Hopefully no-one here hates me yet. :ohdear: Some of you already know of my recent lapse in anger management, and it cost me a friend and access to the Tales of Faerun RP. I am determined to not let that happen again. That is why I am once again meeting with my anger management counselor and therapist to get this back under control. I've been remarkably good so far, for how bad I can get, but it cost me the RP I loved most, cause it's the one I've been in longest. This will not happen again. I'm back, I'm under control and I'm here to stay!
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Hey all, just postin' this to say, I'm NOT quitting the roleplay, it's just Versing's personal decision. Hopefully, some good stuff will happen soon, between my three characters and possibly Morgan :turned:
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