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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Thought I'd explain my last post. In my last post, Tomoyo tells Bloodplague's character off for being rude to the newcomer. Now, I did a bit of research for my character. That post comes from a belief that the Japanese, and to an extent quite a few other Asian cultures maintained. The Japanese, by tradition, were, for lack of a better word, obsessed, with maintaining "Face" or Public Image. Any acts that were rude or disrespectful would make them lose "face" and shame them. An apology was needed to repair the damage. To this day, a lot of Asian cultures still maintain this belief.
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I'm not angry, I just want to ask that people remember to wait a bit before posting? It is possible that someone, who is a slow typist, is posting, or is writing a long post. Also, it could very well be that it is I who did not see that someone else was posting, and therefore I will also adhere to this. However, I just wanted to say that bit. I am not tring to start a conflict.. just trying to prevent it. Hopefully nobody gets angry at this statement :ohdear:
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although my character appears Asian SHE isn't of Asian background. reading her character sheet will clue you in about her background a bit. if you haven't seen the Kurt Russel movie called 'Soldier' i suggest you see it its pretty much what ive based her childhood off of. please also note my character is not wearing HER helmet and is clearly FEMALE.... btw she was just in a running fire fight for an extended amount of time and when it was "over" someone else gets shot upstairs in the tower while a stranger waltz's right up like nothings going on. her normal reaction would be to drop him on sight just to be safe but she didnt incase he was another of morgans friends.
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This char sheet is now COMPLETE. It must be UNLEASHED UPON THE WORLD :devil:


Name: Jackson


Gender: Male


Age: 18


Race: Caucasian Human.


Karmic Alignment: Neutral, hasn't done much to change it.


Appearance: Dull, chocolate-brown, short hair and large eyes, coloured blue but specked with brown. His ears are about average size and shape. He has a small nose and the odd scar pockmarks his clean-shaven face. He is built like any other wastelander, skinny and a little bit muscular, but unlike some of them he appears healthy, and he's also a bit short.


Clothing/armor: Prefers a Wasteland Wanderer outfit and a Roving Trader cap, but also has a settler outfit and a variety of other clothes.


(Optional) Pet: Purebred German Shepherd called Chaser.


Starting Weapon: Scoped .308 hunting rifle and a .32 revolver primarily, but he's also got a baseball bat and a combat knife.


Skills/Occupation: An average wasteland hunter, Jackson primarily snipes his targets from afar and collects the meat when he gets there, and is quite a good shot. He is also capable of moving around unnoticed, which comes in handy when both he and some kind of predator are both hunting the same animal. Seeing as he's in the wilderness so much, he possesses fair survival skills, and as he gets older he only learns more. Of course growing up in the wasteland has taught him to be a scrapper, so he can hold his own in melee or unarmed combat. Jackson is very perceptive and charismatic, and agile, and is somewhat smarter than average. He does not, however, know much about advanced technology such as computers or robots. He's not unintelligent, he's simply not been taught how to do anything other than avoid or destroy them.


Personality: Jackson is usually mischeivious and playful, with a habit of pranking the few people he knows. He also likes to clown around (kinda like Versing with his Fez hat, he'd be the one doing that if he was there.)But despite living in a tent with his dog out in the wilderness, he loves to be around people, particularily friends. He has a very large amount of patience, partially from all the hunting he does, and is quite hard to anger. When properly angered he can still restrain himself, when he's hunting, he can't let frustration fill his head, after all.


History/Background: Jackson was born in an insignificant place in the Wasteland, and was raised to live off the land and to hunt, so that he could at least fend for himself once his parents died. They were picked off by raiders, first his father when he was 9, and then his mother when he was 15. One thing he was taught morally was to keep upbeat and take as much joy as you can from life or he'd only be miserable, and as a result he's the clown he is today. While he grieved for his parents, he was grateful for the time he spent with them. He wandered the wasteland alongside Chaser, the family dog, for a while, and eventually set up the tent he lives in today and hunts in the surrounding area.

Edited by Flipout6
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Sweet! I will post immediately.


Edit: Apparently that thing Jackson said about the whole more women watching is somewhat offensive, so ima fix it. Forgive me for trying to be funny, I'll use more random stuff then :mad:


oh, that smiley represents how i feel atm, s'all i'm sayin. Hopefully no more damn edits are necessary, pesky things :psyduck:

Edited by Flipout6
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Okay, it's come to my attention that Flip said something in character that offended people. I have to remind everyone that we are in character and if something offends you, it honestly does not matter. If I were awake during the incident, I would have told him he did not need to edit anything. Not to seem rude, but Mike and I are the ones who decide if someone needs to edit.
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