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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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*Rubs hands together* Now, with any luck, to breathe some life back into this thing.

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Well, we do desperately need RPers back. So far we just have me, Kayla, and Mythic (possibly Mike, but idk yet.) so I would have no qualms about it.

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This one kinda flew into my head...


Name: Knight Vitaly Vanko

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Race: Human

Karmic Alignment: Good

Appearance: Missing left eye and arm, replaced by cybernetics.

Clothing/armor: T-45 Power Armor

(Optional) Pet:

Starting Weapon: Laser Rifle with custom Tri-Beam Setting Optional.

Skills/Occupation: Former Brotherhood Knight.


Energy Weapons



Personality: Fairly kind, smiles alot and friendly. Hates the Brotherhood in the West and The Outcasts. Actively hunts Super Mutants.

History/Background: Vitaly was born in the Commonwealth, an area around Boston. When Elder Lyons was making his march East they found a young Vitaly hiding in a closet in the burned out home that was once his parents, a dead supermutant in the living room. Lyons took him in and trained him as a Squire. When they finally settled in D.C. he had grown into a strong soldier and became one of the youngest and most promising Knights, well on his way to joining Lyons Pride. Paladin Karl lead the squad he was attached to as Specialist units, they conducted night-time raids on Supermutants and freed many wastelanders from slaver patrols, when the Chapter split the leader of the Outcasts killed Paladin Karl when he attempted to stop them from attacking a caravan of wastelanders for their food and supplies, after the battle Vitaly was put in command and to honor their fallen leader the squad painted their armor a jet black.


After some years of the infighting Lyons Pride accepted him and his squad on a non-official basis, they were instructed to turn their attentions to raiding Outcast patrols in hopes of putting them down as the infighting got to be too much and they had to put an end to it. During one such raid he lost his squad, Vanko was upset with Elder Lyons and joined the 'Nomads' Nomads are brotherhood knights that decide to wander the wasteland instead of supporting the Brotherhood. While still a member of the Chapter he no longer participates in their objectives, he instead supports himself in a one-man war against the Outcasts and the Supermutants.

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What she really means is that you're approved, she's just too lazy to write full sentences XD

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Name: Skyman

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Race: Human (Tribal)

Karmic Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: At 5'8 his frame seems extremely stocky, as his musculature makes him look wider than most people tend to be. His brown eyes and shaggy brown hair aren't unique in the slightest, but together with his ragged face they show his tribal background rather well. His eyes are eternally encircled by dark rings gained through his extensive drug use and his common deprivation of living essentials. The insides of both his elbows are riddled with marks indicating his use of chems, but none of them are life threatening. In addition to these things his drug use has caused his veins to show distinctly through his skin, and his teeth have all fallen out and been replaced with sharp, animalistic gold teeth he managed to make.

Clothing/armor: Leather pants with knee pads and moccasins. He wraps himself in a red blanket over one shoulder for a more formal appearance than being shirtless. Around his neck he wears a necklace needles of various sizes, most of which are broken off of hypodermic needles.

(Optional) Pet: A robobrain named Skybot. After finding and 'reprogramming' him, which only consisted of giving the brain a drug dependence, Skybot became Skyman's number one go-to 'guy'. Through their travels Skybot has had most of his cylindrical torso emptied to provide storage space for Skyman's supplies, effectively making him Skyman's moving safe. During a rather psychotic trip Skyman decided that Skybot's little pincers were very bland and replaced them with deathclaw hands, adding a little melee power to his weaponry. His only other armament is a build in mesmatron.

Starting Weapon: Spiked knuckles, balisong.

Skills/Occupation: Chemist / Chem Maker

He is profoundly adept at medicine, stemming from his knowledge of chemistry, biology, and anatomy. He may be a tribal, but he is by no means stupid. In addition to this he is excellent at sneaking, giving him the perfect set up to use his melee and unarmed skills. His use of melee and unarmed comes from both his tribal background and the fact that he is a naturally lousy shot, seeing as how whenever he attempts to aim his hands shake uncontrollably.

Personality: His personality is not static, as it is heavily influenced by the many drugs he takes. He is unknowable, for the most part. His usual attitude ranges from the hazy and confused to the completely incoherent and dazed.

History/Background: Skyman grew up as a tribal in the backwoods of who-knows-where (he doesn't). His name was given to him by someone, but he can't really remember who, but he does remember why: because he's always high as the sky. The likely reason the he used to be a tribal is that he has a natural fondness and affinity for chems, chemistry, and medicine which likely put him in a strange place with those who live in a primitive society. Either way, he is now a wanderer who does as he pleases.

Edited by nethgros
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