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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


RP Setting  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the RP take place? (CLOSED)

    • Capital Wasteland
    • Mojave Wasteland
    • NCR Territory
    • New York Ruins/Wasteland
    • I have a different idea (Please post this idea in the thread if chosen)

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Good to know we at least have one person back. *grumbles*

still, if only someone other than me or boneless would post, that would be great. (no double-posting for boneless, and I'm awaiting a character response.)

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Damn! I was hoping more Legionairres wouldn't be encountered until later. Assassins were supposed to serve as Versing's own personal boss fight later down the road, and the Legion expanding east was planned to induce some massive battles. :psyduck:
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why is nobody posting? this is my favourite RP out of the two i'm in atm!


edit: shoot, double-posted. Sorry, I'm an idiot sometimes.

Edited by Flipout6
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Name: Dylan


Gender: Male


Age: 20


Race: Iroquois (Native American)


Karmic Alignment: Neutral


Appearance: 5'8 160lbs with a stocky, muscular frame and naturally tanned skin. Black mohawk, black/brown eyes, and mustache/goatee combo.


Clothing/armor: Dark jeans, callused bare feet, and a light kevlar vest. Also a backpack filled with medical supplies


(Optional) Pet: Protectron named Mr.Tibbs who has medical protocols instead of protection protocols


Starting Weapon: Excellent unarmed skill focused on breaking bones to incapacitate opponents, or break necks. Occasionally uses some medical tools, like a scalpel, for less medical purposes.


Skills/Occupation: Wandering doctor, occasional gladiator. Learned great sneak skills from a mix of using bare feet, escaping raiders, and teachings from his home. Also has a good knowledge of robots, and science.


Personality: While usually reserved, Dylan will adamantly defend his beliefs. He has a strong dislike for most forms of control. He is prone to fits of hyperactivity, where he might: start a fight, climb something, speak gibberish, or go in search of a 'special' lady.


History/Background: Raised on what was formerly a native reservation in western New York, Dylan was raised by his traditional Iroquois mother, and (partially from) his passive father. He learned many things necessary to survival in the wild, and sneaking past enemies. Around the age of 16, he felt his time here had passed, and set out on a life of adventure. While passing through Northern Pennsylvania, Dylan came upon an old robot factory that was set up as some sort of school of robotics. He signed up, and for the next 3 years enkindled a love for science and robotics. During his second year, he rebuilt a whole protectron, and snuck in a medical program to give him a teacher for medicine. He graduated with a very useless piece of paper stating his moderate skill in robotics, but also he graduated with a friend, and a teacher of medicine. He now spends his time travelling around the American Northeast giving aid to those who need it, and (once[it was a long day]) beating those who don't, just so that they might then need it.

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I dont approve sheets but nice :) can't wait to have ya in once your accepted!


Flipout: Indeed! this is my favorite one as well! Though I did not post for a while because I have been sick :(. But I am back now and I hope I can make up for my absence it has been great fun Rp'ing with you Flip, Morgan, Baldur, Bleach and all you other peeps!

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Name: Dylan


Gender: Male


Age: 20


Race: Iroquois (Native American)


Karmic Alignment: Neutral


Appearance: 5'8 160lbs with a stocky, muscular frame and naturally tanned skin. Black mohawk, black/brown eyes, and mustache/goatee combo.


Clothing/armor: Dark jeans, callused bare feet, and a light kevlar vest. Also a backpack filled with medical supplies


(Optional) Pet: Protectron named Mr.Tibbs who has medical protocols instead of protection protocols


Starting Weapon: Excellent unarmed skill focused on breaking bones to incapacitate opponents, or break necks. Occasionally uses some medical tools, like a scalpel, for less medical purposes.


Skills/Occupation: Wandering doctor, occasional gladiator. Learned great sneak skills from a mix of using bare feet, escaping raiders, and teachings from his home. Also has a good knowledge of robots, and science.


Personality: While usually reserved, Dylan will adamantly defend his beliefs. He has a strong dislike for most forms of control. He is prone to fits of hyperactivity, where he might: start a fight, climb something, speak gibberish, or go in search of a 'special' lady.


History/Background: Raised on what was formerly a native reservation in western New York, Dylan was raised by his traditional Iroquois mother, and (partially from) his passive father. He learned many things necessary to survival in the wild, and sneaking past enemies. Around the age of 16, he felt his time here had passed, and set out on a life of adventure. While passing through Northern Pennsylvania, Dylan came upon an old robot factory that was set up as some sort of school of robotics. He signed up, and for the next 3 years enkindled a love for science and robotics. During his second year, he rebuilt a whole protectron, and snuck in a medical program to give him a teacher for medicine. He graduated with a very useless piece of paper stating his moderate skill in robotics, but also he graduated with a friend, and a teacher of medicine. He now spends his time travelling around the American Northeast giving aid to those who need it, and (once[it was a long day]) beating those who don't, just so that they might then need it.




It looks like an interesting character, hte use of a pet robot is a bit unique but you have my approval. Gonna be interesting

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