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"bShadowsOnGrass=( )" setting not working on sse


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hi guys, i recently tried to deactivate the the grass capacity to receive shadows from other objects (be Influenced by shadows) but it seems that doesnt matter if the setting is on or off, the shadows are still drawned on the grass, however i know that this ini tweak depends upon bDeferredShadows=(1,2) to "take effect" but there is no diference in having it active or not , both bDeferredShadows= & bShadowsOnGrass= are skyrimprefs.ini tweaks on the [DISPLAY] group according to S.T.E.P. project wiki guide but this guide is mostly based on oldrim for what i see and i dont know if bethesda moved or deleted this tweak for SSE, just like they added new kind of ugrid setting for large objects.

something curious is that in this S.T.E.P. project wiki guide it mentions that bShadowsOnGrass= was moved over skyrim.ini to skyrimprefs.ini in the 1.6 official patch in oldrim so i tried to do the opposite same thing in skyrim.ini to see if it works but it just breaks the game having hugemungus fps loss and wierd massive grey "greenscreen" like textureless objects on the worlspace so... if anyone knows what to do ... please help me i really want to deactivate shadows on grass and i dont know if there is a mod that does that, i´ve searched but found nothing.

by the way obviously this is not related to screen space ambient occlusion.

-cheers my friend-

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