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Fallout3.esm not being found by FOMM


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I'm attempting to run the Requiem for the Capital Wasteland mod, but whenever I load the FOMM for New Vegas, it doesn't list any Fallout 3 files, and I can't figure out how to manually add the .esm/.esp files. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?
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You need to change the .esps or .esms to require New Vegas instead of Fallout 3. Right click on them in the NVMM load order, click 'open in TESsnip, pull down the drop-down menu, select TES4, double-click where it says MAST 13, change the name of the master from Fallout3 to FalloutNV, hit okay, hit save, overwright the .esp or .esm in your New Vegas data folder, and you're done.
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Make sure you extracted the files into the right folder. Open your FNV data folder and check if fallout3.esm and a dozen other files starting with 'RFCW' are present.
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  • 4 years later...

Resurrecting a 5 year old thread is not the way to go about this. For one thing we have learned that TESsnip causes problems due to differences in file formats. Use FNVEdit instead.


But you really need to take this to the TTW forum (assuming you are running "Tales of Two Wastelands". There is always a lot more than merely changing the game master file involved).



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