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Vortex issue....


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I start SE from SKSE64, I always see a window flash on my screen when game starts, I assume it's the skse, then game would start with Bathesda logo, login screen so on. When I installed Vortex, I get the quick SKSE window flash as before, then nothing.

Even after I uninstalled vortex and re-installed NMM. FO4 and Witcher3 still load normally, as I never tried to manage those games with vortex.


I have reinstalled vortex, and used the tool to migrate my mods from NMM, but this is where all the conflicts are coming, and still no game start as mentioned above.


Hope this helped.


This is exactly the same issue I am having. Yesterday all as fine then I downloaded Vortex

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Again the conflicts you have occur in NMM as well (it is the same mod list, the same mods making changes to the same files, so, therefore, the same conflicts), it is just that in NMM you are not made aware of the conflicts and cannot change your mind about which mod should win each conflict, after (re)installation. In Vortex you can, hence why they are being pointed out to you.


If the game does not start at all, it could be the case that you are using a mod made for Skyrim LE with a bsa archive from LE. SE cannot load these and will simply refuse to start if the corresponding plugin is enabled. Are you using mods made for LE?


If the game crashes after the Bethesda logo, that is indicative of a missing master i.e. you are missing one or several mod requirements.

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