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Creation Kit slow motion


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Hey guys


So I upgraded to 1.6 and the latest kit. Whne the dust settled down my game is running perfect and super fast and excellent loading times. BUT the cklit got cursed . It takes 10 minutes to right click on an object in the kit and select "edit". Meaning from the moment you choose "edit" it take 10 minutes. Does not ever crash. Just takes FOREVER to do anything. Driving me nuts. Any ideas?


My systme is workng fine and Skyring is happy, i tis just the kit.

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You almost made me cry. I am in the middle of two major mods. Reverting back sounds best. How??? Steam offers no other versions... There is no add remove. Is there a manual way to install?
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I've googled some, and can't find a visible way to roll back and update through steam (another mayor flaw on their part), so you can try posting in the steam help forums, or wait untill they roll out another update, or man up and jsut face the many bugs and annoyances of the creation kit :)


Also, chances are your files will still work with old versions of the creation kit, or new ones for that matter. Here are some e-towels to wipe your tears with: Instant happy

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Ha! Thanks. I am still laughing, that is probably good! Let me try posting first, my setup is complex dut to three monitor gaming and precise mouse calibration. If thy fails, though, will delete all and reload all. I am till level 1 so no big loss there. The price of modding.
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I did the following:


1) downloaded and ran procmon from Microsoft to monitor the running proceses to see what was so fascinating that the ckit had to stop for 10 minutes to do "it".

2) After a few red herrings I noticed that two files kept running all the time: nvsmartmaxapp.exe and nvsmartmaxapp64.exe from the folder c:\program files\nvidia corporation\display

3) researched the files, they throttle the video card to save energy and to cut down on heat. Junk!!! I do not run two 590 cards in sli to save energy. What is Nvidia smoking???

4) I renamed the files as .old, rebooted, problem solved. Ckit runs fine now, and the game in not affected or impaired. Life is good.


Maybe this thread may help some other poor devil in the future. This power saving junk is relatively new.

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