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Khajiit Tail/Movement Animation


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Skyrim needs Khajiit tail animation more like ESO. There's something very pleasant about tails and movement in general for Khajiit in ESO. The movement is subtly different than men/mer races and it flows better.


Note: I don't want the HDT tails. Aside from adding to the buggy nature of the game, tails just shouldn't be physics based. If you look at a cat, it has total control over it's tail; it doesn't bounce around like a limp willy.


Video from ESO to illustrate:


Does anyone know if there's already a mod that does this?

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I could not agree more, cats use their tails (as do dogs and wolves as well so take note werewolf modders) to express their every mood. This should be reflected in their dialog and situation with the appropriate tail animation. If you look at the way dogmeat is portrayed in FO4 I can say as a long time owner of several GSD's they did a not to bad job of representing GSD behaviour. which just goes to show that if Beth does its home work correctly they can approximate proper animal behaviour.

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