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Really ugly snow speckles


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Here's a couple shots to show my issue:






http://prntscr.com/l4o7ix (really bad at night, at least I think this is the same effect)





Mod list attached. I had Nordic Snow installed but I uninstalled it to see if that was the cause of it but there was no change. Using Rudy ENB defaults.


Any help is appreciated... it's not game breaking or anything but I sure don't like it.


Any mods I can install overtop to fix? <3

Edited by chibaking
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These graphic "glitches" are at least partly caused by Bethesda's wonderful new snow shader. Here's how to disable it.


In your SkyrimPrefs.ini, add or change the following line





This disables the snow shader and should improve visuals.



In addition to that, you can change your




The first one disables Ambient Occlusion on snow. Might look better or not. Try it.

The second one is more important. It disables snow rim lighting. "0" is the recommended setting for ENBs, otherwise you might have strange glowing snow at night.


IMHO, applying these ini tweaks should already help a lot. If this doesn't suffice, nexet step would be a snow texture replacer. I'm using "Fluffy Snow", but there are a lot of different and nice options out there.


You can also try "Better Dynamic Snow":


It improves the "dynamic snow" visible on a lot of stones, walls etc. drastically.


EDIT: If you don't want to change ini settings manually, you can also use "BethINI"


I has checkboxes for the three settings I mentioned above.

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