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Base Carry Cap. stuck at 8,610


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My carrying capacity is suddenly and inexplicably insanely high (base of 8160, w/ armor mods 8610), compared to the 300~500 I'm used to. I've tried using the console to reduce it, hopped in/out of Power Armor, and gotten completely nude- but to no effect. I've looked through my inv. to see if I picked up anything bugged with a negative weight, but I saw nothing out of the ordinary. I've also dumped all items into a container that could be, got my weight down to 1 but the Carry Cap. is at 8610. did a quick ~player.inv but everything had a familiar name, no blanks.
I'm using BotC and hop in and out of Power Armor often, and BotC has something that applies the carry cap+ perk when in power armor, I'm not sure but I wonder if it's re-applying the boost each time I enter? Just a thought.

Any advice welcome- I like the weight limitations, because it gives me an excuse to clear my inventory of junk.
Load order as of last night (as of posting and definitely having the issue): [https://pastebin.com/8He6bv2m]

Edited by SkyeTheTerribleBeastie
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