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Unlimited mana


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My mana pool is not decreasing whatever i cast.I have not installed anything, it just happened from one day to another. I also don't use any cheat, and I also don't have the intention. Any idea what could have happened,or how I can reset it to default?
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I had this issue too not to long ago. I had started a new save as a mage because I've never done it before. Turns out my magika wasn't decreasing at all. I'm not sure if this was from a mod I had installed or if it was from the new patch I opted into. But once I hit level five it seemed to go back to normal. This was after I had saved and left the game and came back a couple days later. So I'm not to sure nor was I to concerned. I planned on letting the good times roll for as long as I could.
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what is mana?




Hey genius, mana is the magic(magicka in the game)in the game, mana is the same thing that magic.

















Edited by Dovahkiin069
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Have you done the quest in the Mage's College for the Illusion teacher, where he hands you magic gloves? That can cause random effects, including unlimited magicka.



I did actually do that quest now that you mention it. I had completely forgot doing it. Well I suppose that answers this question now doesn't it.

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