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Skyrim does CTDs more using Vortex


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Overall, I really like Voirtex. While it takes some time to set up your mod rules, it has actually eliminated some of the minor mod conflicts that I had just learned to live with using MO and NMM. However, there is one huge problem that's raised it's head.


Skyrim CTDs at least 8 times an hour since I gave up my old mod managers and switched to Vortex. My load order is fine; my mod and file rules are okay. I can't figure out what it is, and the Vortex support page is pretty much useless for this issue.


Any ideas?

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Vortex can't cause Skyrim CTDs. Most it can do is change the order of mods.

Stop Vortex and audit the Skyrim load order and look at what files are in your data directory. Satisfy yourself that the load order looks OK.

Demonstrate for yourself that Skyrim CTDs just as often if Vortex is not running.

The one you won't like - start a new game and see if that CTDs. Problems may be baked into your old saves.

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