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Skyrim contains Morrowind and Oblivion


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2) Pretty much crash your computer every time you tried to load the game, due to the constant-running scripts, and loading the CK would kill your computer as well.


Not necessarily. There's nothing stopping them from using the borders as load areas like when you enter an interior cell. There's actually a gate at 3/4 of the borders I found. One in Riften, one in Falkreath, one south of Fort Neugrad, and the one up by Refugee's Rest in Eastermarch has no gate. I think it's a possibility that Dawnguard might take place up there. The climate fits, and it makes more sense to go into another province than to just make a couple of citadels appear out of nowhere.


Anyways, I'm just saying there's nothing to say they couldn't treat those borders as load areas.

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My first post here and it is to criticize this game:-(


At first when I played this game it was really great, super addictive I spent all my free time on it. I reached level 62 before I got sick of trying to earn enough points to get illusion up to 100 so I could complete the last few quests left to me so I console commanded my way up to level 81. Now I have completed all quests that I didn't screw up the starts of and there is nothing left to do at about half way through level 81. Now I came to this site to find mods, lots of mods so that if I am crazy enough to do everything all over again it had better be worth it with HD everything and more options here and there. I tried playing oblivion last year but it became so boring that I just couldn't stand it anymore. Buying a house in a place was really hard to achieve and the quests were terrible for example the vampire cure quest. After putting up with that crazy guy in that vampire quest town I couldn't stand it anymore, at some point I ended up pressing the wrong buttons while talking to shop keepers and had them chasing after me for setting them on fire lol. When skyrim was updated to v1.5 I decided to give it a try and it was so much better! But look at how they did oblivion, BIG cities hard to navigate at first and plenty of space to get around in. Skyrim could have been like that so the player could own a shop and a house but nope we got these small towns and only one country to to roam around in. How is it that in oblivion the whole world is there but in skyrim just one country is there? Simple answer is DLC. I hate the idea and use of DLC but we as gamers will be haunted by it for as long as games are made. The dawnguard DLC is nothing compared to having big cities and a whole world to travel. They know this and want to just nickel and dime us to death. For all of the flaws though, skyrim is probably the best elderscrolls game for potential mods and good graphics but we will never see the likes of oblivion ever again I think.



I wonder if other people go through the same things I went through with this game? Play all the way through, find out ya did something the wrong way quest related and want to go back and do it again to get the whole quest but it requires a restart if they didn't save and that point?


I messed up the murder investigation in windhelm, just flew through that quest and ran the creepy guy through but not before he killed that one lady that was arguing with two nords the first time I entered windhelm. I got a killcam strike on that creepy guy, just grabbed his head and shoved a sword through him lol.


I wiped out the dark brotherhood, went in there and stomped them out! two handed swords going everywhere, that was before I knew why I couldn't always get a killcam strike on someone:-(



Some things the devs could have done instead of what the did.....



The writing in the game is horribly liberal, I encounter politics and BS everyday in the real world, so at the end of the day or the weekend I want to play a video game that doesn't contain any of those things so that I can remind myself that life is supposed to be fun at some point in time but not according to the devs with their preachy liberal soapbox of a storyline. They could have worked it out so that the foreigners to skyrim had made deals with the locals to work for their keep in skyrim and in turn the nords would appreciate hard working individuals,


Nords don't look like they are too lazy to load their own ships, hello, anyone seen that tsun guy? Might as well have been conan the barbarian standing there! He could probably bench press a ship not just load it all day!


The liberal writing seems to be specifically american liberal writing. So the lizards are from south of the border, the cat people are from possibly asia and the bretons are from the UK. See it is not that hard to spot if you think about it for a few seconds especially if you have made it all the way through the game and done all the quests already. All that mess could have been left out and a better story could have been made instead of trying to preach to people like farcry 2 or some strange looking people that knock on your door early on sunday mornings. Too bad I can't turn off the electricity to just my doorbell instead of half the house late saturday night. The story could have been that the nords and the imperials just didn't get along because of the banning of talos worship for fear of the thalmor and aldmeri dominion. So the player in the main story line would have brokered a peace between them and promised to help drive out the thalmor but first help to bring together skyrim and make it strong for both the nords and the imperials so the empire could rebuild their numbers in skyrim and send new forces to the borders and prepare to fend off the almeri dominion when the player finally slaughtered the thalmor after beating alduin. See even some random end user can write a better story than the devs can lol.



Radiant quests could have been thrown out in favor of moving the main quest along by helping the people of skyrim right their wrongs and solve their problems, reduce the bandit problems and thin the herds of trolls and other monsters blah blah. They could have encouraged the player to come back to the nearby city or town to get a key for a mine or hideout etc so they wouldn't ruin the quest related to that location by clearing it first.



There could have been alternate starts for this game. You could be the dragon born or you could be someone else like a merchant or an adventurer or a mage and then those alt starts could have been divided up into good guy/bad guy so you could be a mage or you could be a necromancer. You could be a merchant or you could be a thief etc,


Also, I did not want to do the thieves guild quests, I did not want to be a scumbag thief! I wanted to tear through the thieves guild and destroy them! I wanted to run maven mean face out of town with her whole family of ex wife killers and horse thieves! Burn her estate to the ground and be offered the land later as thane of riften to do with as I pleased, maybe build my own estate there:-) But no we are forced to go a stealin through skyrim and blackmail characters we have done good with. This is where the alternate starts with good/bad could have come in handy. You could be the good guy and clean up riften or you could be the bad guy and shake down shop owners and make zombies in the basements there. Skyrim would still be playable for everyone just in a much better way.



There is so much wrong with this game that breaks the immersion and shortens the play time, I think what is wrong with this game is why some people like myself have a love/hate relationship with this game. I want to play it again with really good mods but ugh... all that dungeon crawling I will have to do all over again and STILL there is not one character in the game that is really worth sacrificing to botheia bothellia whatever her name is. Maybe that mage jerk in riften but it doesn't work with him for some reason according to what I have read. I won't do that quest until I find someone I really can't stand in the game don't want to waste that opportunity lol. Also thanks to mods I can get ebony mail in many varieties without that quest so whatever.



I can't help but think all the problems in the game are solely related to making room for high priced DLC just to make more money. Maybe it is their fallback if the MMO doesn't go well later on.

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My first post here and it is to criticize this game:-(


At first when I played this game it was really great, super addictive I spent all my free time on it. I reached level 62 before I got sick of trying to earn enough points to get illusion up to 100 so I could complete the last few quests left to me so I console commanded my way up to level 81. Now I have completed all quests that I didn't screw up the starts of and there is nothing left to do at about half way through level 81. Now I came to this site to find mods, lots of mods so that if I am crazy enough to do everything all over again it had better be worth it with HD everything and more options here and there. I tried playing oblivion last year but it became so boring that I just couldn't stand it anymore. Buying a house in a place was really hard to achieve and the quests were terrible for example the vampire cure quest. After putting up with that crazy guy in that vampire quest town I couldn't stand it anymore, at some point I ended up pressing the wrong buttons while talking to shop keepers and had them chasing after me for setting them on fire lol. When skyrim was updated to v1.5 I decided to give it a try and it was so much better! But look at how they did oblivion, BIG cities hard to navigate at first and plenty of space to get around in. Skyrim could have been like that so the player could own a shop and a house but nope we got these small towns and only one country to to roam around in. How is it that in oblivion the whole world is there but in skyrim just one country is there? Simple answer is DLC. I hate the idea and use of DLC but we as gamers will be haunted by it for as long as games are made. The dawnguard DLC is nothing compared to having big cities and a whole world to travel. They know this and want to just nickel and dime us to death. For all of the flaws though, skyrim is probably the best elderscrolls game for potential mods and good graphics but we will never see the likes of oblivion ever again I think.



I wonder if other people go through the same things I went through with this game? Play all the way through, find out ya did something the wrong way quest related and want to go back and do it again to get the whole quest but it requires a restart if they didn't save and that point?


I messed up the murder investigation in windhelm, just flew through that quest and ran the creepy guy through but not before he killed that one lady that was arguing with two nords the first time I entered windhelm. I got a killcam strike on that creepy guy, just grabbed his head and shoved a sword through him lol.


I wiped out the dark brotherhood, went in there and stomped them out! two handed swords going everywhere, that was before I knew why I couldn't always get a killcam strike on someone:-(



Some things the devs could have done instead of what the did.....



The writing in the game is horribly liberal, I encounter politics and BS everyday in the real world, so at the end of the day or the weekend I want to play a video game that doesn't contain any of those things so that I can remind myself that life is supposed to be fun at some point in time but not according to the devs with their preachy liberal soapbox of a storyline. They could have worked it out so that the foreigners to skyrim had made deals with the locals to work for their keep in skyrim and in turn the nords would appreciate hard working individuals,


Nords don't look like they are too lazy to load their own ships, hello, anyone seen that tsun guy? Might as well have been conan the barbarian standing there! He could probably bench press a ship not just load it all day!


The liberal writing seems to be specifically american liberal writing. So the lizards are from south of the border, the cat people are from possibly asia and the bretons are from the UK. See it is not that hard to spot if you think about it for a few seconds especially if you have made it all the way through the game and done all the quests already. All that mess could have been left out and a better story could have been made instead of trying to preach to people like farcry 2 or some strange looking people that knock on your door early on sunday mornings. Too bad I can't turn off the electricity to just my doorbell instead of half the house late saturday night. The story could have been that the nords and the imperials just didn't get along because of the banning of talos worship for fear of the thalmor and aldmeri dominion. So the player in the main story line would have brokered a peace between them and promised to help drive out the thalmor but first help to bring together skyrim and make it strong for both the nords and the imperials so the empire could rebuild their numbers in skyrim and send new forces to the borders and prepare to fend off the almeri dominion when the player finally slaughtered the thalmor after beating alduin. See even some random end user can write a better story than the devs can lol.



Radiant quests could have been thrown out in favor of moving the main quest along by helping the people of skyrim right their wrongs and solve their problems, reduce the bandit problems and thin the herds of trolls and other monsters blah blah. They could have encouraged the player to come back to the nearby city or town to get a key for a mine or hideout etc so they wouldn't ruin the quest related to that location by clearing it first.



There could have been alternate starts for this game. You could be the dragon born or you could be someone else like a merchant or an adventurer or a mage and then those alt starts could have been divided up into good guy/bad guy so you could be a mage or you could be a necromancer. You could be a merchant or you could be a thief etc,


Also, I did not want to do the thieves guild quests, I did not want to be a scumbag thief! I wanted to tear through the thieves guild and destroy them! I wanted to run maven mean face out of town with her whole family of ex wife killers and horse thieves! Burn her estate to the ground and be offered the land later as thane of riften to do with as I pleased, maybe build my own estate there:-) But no we are forced to go a stealin through skyrim and blackmail characters we have done good with. This is where the alternate starts with good/bad could have come in handy. You could be the good guy and clean up riften or you could be the bad guy and shake down shop owners and make zombies in the basements there. Skyrim would still be playable for everyone just in a much better way.



There is so much wrong with this game that breaks the immersion and shortens the play time, I think what is wrong with this game is why some people like myself have a love/hate relationship with this game. I want to play it again with really good mods but ugh... all that dungeon crawling I will have to do all over again and STILL there is not one character in the game that is really worth sacrificing to botheia bothellia whatever her name is. Maybe that mage jerk in riften but it doesn't work with him for some reason according to what I have read. I won't do that quest until I find someone I really can't stand in the game don't want to waste that opportunity lol. Also thanks to mods I can get ebony mail in many varieties without that quest so whatever.



I can't help but think all the problems in the game are solely related to making room for high priced DLC just to make more money. Maybe it is their fallback if the MMO doesn't go well later on.


Man, this game its for fun, if you don´t like the game, then you don´t need to play.



PS:You write the biggest reply of all that i ever see. o_O

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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Lol it is because this is my first time signing up for a skyrim related forum and I feel like that kiff guy from futurama finding someone to complain to about captain dufus for the first time lol.


I have created a topic about your answer really huge ok?I hope you don´t worry about this.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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2) Pretty much crash your computer every time you tried to load the game, due to the constant-running scripts, and loading the CK would kill your computer as well.


Not necessarily. There's nothing stopping them from using the borders as load areas like when you enter an interior cell. There's actually a gate at 3/4 of the borders I found. One in Riften, one in Falkreath, one south of Fort Neugrad, and the one up by Refugee's Rest in Eastermarch has no gate. I think it's a possibility that Dawnguard might take place up there. The climate fits, and it makes more sense to go into another province than to just make a couple of citadels appear out of nowhere.


Anyways, I'm just saying there's nothing to say they couldn't treat those borders as load areas.


True. However, it would be to ask for bugs.


A new thing for you to chew on. Skyrim itself were full of bugs, and it took them 80 million, a 90-man crew that worked together since Oblivion/Morrowind and it took them 5-6 years. How would they be able to make a new province? All asset must be new, and they need to design the province as it were 200 years after the Oblivion crisis.


No sane game company would add this into a game. THey'd rather to a remake of Oblivion or Morrowind with Skyrim graphic, and even that is out of the question for now.

Point is:

No. There is no plan to put Cyrodiil or Morrowind into Skyrim. Not a chance. It would be tons of work, for about no profit gained.

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  • 2 months later...

A new thing for you to chew on. Skyrim itself were full of bugs, and it took them 80 million, a 90-man crew that worked together since Oblivion/Morrowind and it took them 5-6 years. How would they be able to make a new province? All asset must be new, and they need to design the province as it were 200 years after the Oblivion crisis.


No sane game company would add this into a game. THey'd rather to a remake of Oblivion or Morrowind with Skyrim graphic, and even that is out of the question for now.

Point is:

No. There is no plan to put Cyrodiil or Morrowind into Skyrim. Not a chance. It would be tons of work, for about no profit gained.


Up until the release of Dawnguard, we had no way of knowing if part of the reason it took 5-6 years was maybe this stuff was already mostly developed during that time. I was pretty disappointed the way locations just appeared for Dawnguard in a map I've been playing with and learning for 9 months.


But I didn't bring up this old thread just to play thread necromancer.


I was wondering if based on this subject someone could explain exactly what they DID do here with these areas.. I have yet to disable borders in my game and check them out, but the videos of these areas seem to show them as not being fleshed out. The ground isn't very solid looking, and everything has a hazy LOD look to it.


What exactly did they do to create these areas since they obviously didn't do any actual level creation. Is this just the normal LOD process? I skimmed the creation kit sites LOD tutorial and it basically said the CK lod generator was unfinished and required you use one or more of several third party programs listed on the page.


Like I said, I skimmed it, but the fact that LOD was "generated" made me think that the level was done first, and the LOD was generated from the level itself.


But these areas are just the opposite.

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Good question, since the mere presence of the LOD of these "exterior" areas to Skyrim begs the question of why they're there in the first place. I've explored some of the region beyond Skyrim borders and the terrain will quickly degenerate into nonsense when you get too far away from Skyrim. Just tcl through the ground, sometime, and you'll get a preview of the kinds of things you see. Another way to see, graphically, what you will experience is to go to the place in Dragonsreach where you capture Ohdahviing and then tcl over the balcony. The entire area is its own cell even though it looks, at a cursory glance, as though you can actually see out into the tundra region surrounding Whiterun. Travel in any direction very far and you'll see the kind of terrain oddities I'm talking about.


My conjecture is that it's possible, although difficult, to reach high-enough ground along the borders of Skyrim to see well into Cyrodiil and Morrowind, even though the border restrictions prevent you from actually going there. Therefore, I'd say that all that real-estate exists just as eye-candy for the determined explorer to take in if he can get to a point where he can see it.


I suppose the way these could have been generated was by importing terrain from Oblivion and Morrowind and then generating LODs from that. The actual terrain wasn't placed in-game because that would have been just excess and unnecessary load on the game engine.

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Good question, since the mere presence of the LOD of these "exterior" areas to Skyrim begs the question of why they're there in the first place. I've explored some of the region beyond Skyrim borders and the terrain will quickly degenerate into nonsense when you get too far away from Skyrim. Just tcl through the ground, sometime, and you'll get a preview of the kinds of things you see. Another way to see, graphically, what you will experience is to go to the place in Dragonsreach where you capture Ohdahviing and then tcl over the balcony. The entire area is its own cell even though it looks, at a cursory glance, as though you can actually see out into the tundra region surrounding Whiterun. Travel in any direction very far and you'll see the kind of terrain oddities I'm talking about.


My conjecture is that it's possible, although difficult, to reach high-enough ground along the borders of Skyrim to see well into Cyrodiil and Morrowind, even though the border restrictions prevent you from actually going there. Therefore, I'd say that all that real-estate exists just as eye-candy for the determined explorer to take in if he can get to a point where he can see it.


I suppose the way these could have been generated was by importing terrain from Oblivion and Morrowind and then generating LODs from that. The actual terrain wasn't placed in-game because that would have been just excess and unnecessary load on the game engine.


It's also possible to travel "off the map" in Sovrengarde and Skuldafn and see some more terrain oddities.


That's an interesting theory about the LOD being generated from Oblivion and/or Morrowind. I would be interested to hear some more theories on this.

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