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Not "Handling" Mod manager download buttons on the site after every set is done,...


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I have Firefox set handle NMM links in Vortex instead of the old Nexus Mod Manager. I have Vortex set in downloads to handle "Mod Manager Download" buttons on NexusMods.com. I click on the link on the page, vortex opens & ,....... NOTHING! No downloading at all. I've even set a custom download path to D:\Games\Nexus Mods Vortex\ to see if that was the issue & Nope. Still not working.


Does it matter if I still have the old Nexus Mod Manager installed? I'm afraid to get rid of it because I cant do half of what I could on NMM with this Vortex crap. You can't even change load order manually. s*** product so far.

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