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Need help with Fallout 4 scripting


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I'm trying to prototype some ideas that involve editing vanilla FO4 scripts, but have no experience with Papyrus (only with G.E.C.K. scripting).


Here is what I want to do - determine if an NPC has a certain keyword, if so - advance quest.

What I've tried for script mq03questscript (green text is vanilla, blue is mine):


If MQ03FirstRaiderCount.value >= MQ03FirstRaiderTotal.value
If (DN092_EncA_R02.HasKeyword(MyKeword))
Of course, the sript doesn't want to compile. Thing is - can't wrap my head around how Papyrus works - so alien.
Read articles - too little examples. If I could make this work - I can continue the prototyping that might lead to a functional mod.
If you would be so kind as to guide me in the right direction - I would be very grateful!
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Also post the compiler error, so no one has to guess what's wrong.


I can only guess three possibilities for the error.


1. It has no idea what DN092_EncA.R02 is(Can either be one of those actors, or the markers), because it's not a property or variable.

2. MyKeyword is not set as a property or variable, so HasKeyword will error.

3. The script is on an object that isn't a quest, and therefor the compiler complains about SetStage, to which the quest needs to be called on that function.

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