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Help requested - Combat


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Whenever I spam the attack button and move any kind of direction, my character will spaz out and perform 3 slashes with a sword in less than a second, or more, or less. It's been doing this for a while and I don't know if it's the mods I have installed or rather the new patch with the mods I have. If anyone knows of this problem I could use some help. If there is any more information you need from me please let me know. Thank you all in advance.
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Hmm......If you have updated the 1.6 patch, you should check if you have the FNIS (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811) or Adult Show XXX (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8714) installed. The FNIS dont have ESP file so you should go to Data/ meshes/ actors/ character/ and look for 3 folders. One is "behaviors", second is "characters" and the third one is "characters female" and delete those 3 folder. That will solve the problem. Hope this help :thumbsup: Edited by duchuy613
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