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Quick question about this picture...


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https://i.imgur.com/JXNcsks.jpg I did something recently, and somehow I got this weird, diamondish looking shape with what appears to be an exclamation point in the middle of it, It only happens on one race mod I Have chosen, and only started today, if anyone has any ideas what it is or how I could go about fixing it, whatever it is, Please let me know!!!

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Triangular shapes with exclamation marks usually mean missing meshes. This can be a sign of V-ram issues, but that's rather unlikely in Skyrim SE. In case of V-ram problems, various objects would be affected rather randomly.


If the exlamation mark thingy appears consistently instead of a character or an object, this means that a mod is calling for meshes, that aren't there (or at least not in the place where the mod expects them).


If you think the problem comes from a race mod, reinstall that mod and see, if that already fixes the issue. Also check, if the mod has prerequisites, e.g. some race compatibility mod or something.


If that doesn't help, there's some research to be done. Open the mod in question in the CK or in xedit, look for meshes used by this mod and have a look at the file paths. Sometimes mod authors make mistakes... If you find, that file paths are off, either correct the file path in the CK - or copy the meshes to the location, where the mod wants them to be.

It is also possible, that a mod author has forgottn to upload some stuff. In this case, ask the mod author.

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Thank you Algarbar!!! I think I found the issue, though I am not quite sure what to make of it, the only thing I could find is, the mesh is looking for male/1stperson argonian hands.... I cant seem to find that mesh anywhere, or even if it even really exsists anywhere,

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