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Game freeze when equipping one handed weapons.


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Hello community,


first things first: sorry if I posted this in the wrong category.


My Problem:


I recently installed FNIS for SKSE, and everything worked fine at first.

(Smooth installation, no errors while generating FNIS patches etc)


All my mods work fine together and their load orders are optimised with LOOT btw.


On my most recent save with my lvl 30 char my game completely freezes whenever i equip a one handed weapon. ( I have to kill the game with the task manager then)

Axe, Mace, Sword, Dagger are causing the game freeze.


2 Handed werapons, Staffs and Spells work fine.


The thing is this only happens with that one save.

All others are working fine.


I tried a lot of possible solutions, sadly non of them worked as of now.

I even reinstalled my animation mods and FNIS, but the save still seems broken.

I also looked into the trouble shooting for XP32, YY Anim Replace, and Swords on back.

(Because this where the most suspicious mods for me).



I really dont want to abandon the character because of that problem.


Do you have any ideas what could cause this issue?

Edited by LastAkaviri
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