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Incurable poison status


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I had this same problem.


Gonna go out on a limb here, and guess that you are using Syynxs' Perk overhaul. This has been known to cause that poison bug.


Back when I was using this mod, I also used his poison mod to counteract the effects of constant poison.

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Again thanks for the help.


I thought of the amulet for poison immunity, but I only put one assuming it was actually 100%, well it didn't work, maybe if I put two it stacks up to 100% or by 85% cap means that's the max possible?.

I could not find that .txt file, so I attach to pics showing my list of mods on NMM.

I'm gonna try the dispel all effect command now, let you know what happens, thanks.

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@Ferrandur, hi, fyi, i do not believe the necklaces of poison immunity or resistance have any effect

if you're already poisoned.


by the way, have you allowed your character to sleep for 8 hours yet?


looked at your NMM list, consider disabling/uninstalling these mods until they have had a chance to update:

Tytanis - Farming Mounts Crafts Spells Items MORE by Tytanis - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1601 (various reported bugs).

Unofficial Skyrim Patch by Kivan - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19 (issues w/v1.6, i think there is a USKP beta out).

(i do not use these mods; so, i am not sure how you safely disable/uninstall these..)


you may want to check this old troubleshooting discussion thread on using 'dispellallspells' or 'resurrect'

on your character to brute force fix stuck effects:



you'll want to take note of your current active effects so you can add these back later using 'player.addspell <id>'

lookup spell/power/blessing/etc id's here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Powers

also, as Vyron43 suggested, be sure to unequip any enchanted gear before using dispelallspells.

please note, i would consider using 'dispelallspells' or 'resurrect' on your character a fix of last resort lol..

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Just an idea that came in my mind right now but maybe you used healing potions that also poison you (some potions have double effects) or maybe you have something equipped, maybe a cursed thing that poisons your character.
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@Ferrandur, cool, the good thing about using console command 'player.resurrect 1' is (in TES4 Oblivion)

the player doesn't lose birthsign or other statistics ('1' is to insure the standing camera is set properly).

Using this command in TES5 Skyrim i think you only lose standing stone effects and any active effects from potions\magic\blessings

(not including gear enchantments); but, your current skill tree perks, player leveling, and history should not have been reset/changed.


Just check the various skill perk trees to be sure lol.

If you're missing any, you can use 'player.addperk <perk ID>', lookup perk ID codes here:



what happened when you tried 'player.dispelallspells'? this hypothetically should've done the same thing; or, did it not

fix the stuck glitched poisoning 'effect'?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
I came across this thread while searching for a solution to a similar problem. After getting poisoned and having no autosaves prior to said poisoning, I tried cure poison potions with no luck. The above solution of unequipping everything and using the console command above solved the problem for me. Many thanks.
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