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Help Fix Crash/Troubleshoot Mods


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Alright guys, let me just start off by saying I am extremely tired of messing with these mods. :wallbash: I have not been able to play Skyrim for probably 5 month because I have not been able to resolve this mess. You are my last ditch effort before I say "To Hell" with mods. So I am using Wrye Bash and have installed all my mods using BAIN except for Enhanced Blood Textures as BAIN doesn't know how to install it. So basically, if I try to use all my mods, there is an immediate CTD. I will post a list of mods below. If I uncheck some of them (randomly) it loads, but something is causing my game to go to a frozen black screen as soon as I enter/exit a building or area making it impossible to play. If I uncheck all of the mods, it works fine. Can you please take a look at my mod list and tell me any possible conflicts that can cause he problems I've been having.



−Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins


Skyrim.esm Active

Update.esm Active

CLARALUX - More and Brighter Lights.esm Active

SkyMoMod.esm Active

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

RevampedExteriorFog.esp Active

SoS - The Dungeons.esp Active

SoS - The Wilds.esp Active

StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active

arrowsmith.esp Active

Birds.esp Active

Catsofskyrim.esp Active

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active

Dogsofskyrim.esp Active

Dr_Bandolier.esp Active

general npc fixes.esp Active

hqsnow.esp Active

ImprovedCraftableLockpicks.esp Active

KatixasUsableBarrels.esp Active

lt_better_horses.esp Active

lt_camping.esp Active

Mannequins.esp Active

More Craftables.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

moredragonloot.esp Active

Real Wildlife Skyrim 0.1.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}

Skyforge_Plus v3.esp Active


Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

Tytanis.esp Active

Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

werewolvesofskyrim.esp Active

amuletsofthedivines.esp Active

DwemerAutoBlade.esp Active

isilNarsil.esp Active

Non-playable Armor.esp

Throwing Knives.esp Active

UniqueLeveledItemsUpgrade.esp Active

alternativeCityAccess_1.2.esp Active

Quest_AndTheRealmsOfDaedra.esp Active

neaextbromjunaar.esp Active

Quest_NoMercy.esp Active

Quest_SeaOfGhosts.esp Active

Quest_TheBiggerTheyAre.esp Active

alternate sunglare.esp

Better Dynamic Snow.esp



Lawrens RNG Guards.esp

More Dynamic Shadows.esp

Usable lantern.esp

Spells Cast Light.esp

detailed outskirts.esp

detailed cities.esp

Open Cities Skyrim.esp





ACE Realistic Fighting.esp

Killmove +.esp

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

Note: For safe install need dismiss all your followers, save, delete all included mods, load, save and install UFO. For safe uninstall or update see special instructions on mod page.



WATER - Get Wet.esp

Bashed Patch, 0.esp Active

−Unrecognised Plugins


Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.



bigger trees -falkreath.esp

craftabl pickaxe and axe.esp



Lexyrex - Magic Arrow.esp




Also, when I run BOSS through Wrye Bash, it tell me that Tytanis and a couple other mods should be put in a bashed patch, yet Wrye Bash will not let me merge them as they have file extensions it cannot deal with. Is there any way around this? And what does Delev and Relev mean in the BOSS list?


Any help appreciated,


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IMHO there are 2 ore more mods pointing to the same reference thus causing the game go crash,the randomly deselected mods maybe lessen the probability that the game crashes cause there are less conflicts


IE. mods that alters magic system will not work with others that relates to the vanilla system one


You've to get a compromise between enjoying the game with a certain number of mods/avoiding its crashes xD

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