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Problem with my mod

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The problem does not occur at all but to some people. :wallbash:




SableDreamer0 reputation 0 kudos34 posts


I'm running into an odd issue with this. I've narrowed the issue down to this mod, as the problem stops as soon as this is disabled, but with this on, suddenly my textures get really screwy. Some start sourcing from street textures, stop signs, you name it, and it's not just items from this mod. Seems anything added BY a mod starts having issues, and some textures and/or meshes don't show up at all. I'm not sure at all what could be causing it, though I suspect some sort of mod conflict. I've used some of your other work, and the original Black Mountain Thug mod before, and never had any issues, so this is catching me off guard.


Can someone please help me find the error :sad: ?

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Well, I DL'd your mod and the Black Mountain Thug mod, and here's what I found:


Your mod works, pretty much. I installed yours first, without the Black Mountain Thug, and had no problems with textures everywhere. The Mojave Scout outfit, though, seems broken: the top is all white with yellow over the nipples and the bottom simply doesn't exist and deletes my char's legs. The female model just appears broken, no idea why. The outfit does work on men, but there's no fun in playing a guy so nyeh. :3 The jacket didn't appear, and that was supposed to happen.


With Black Mountain Thug installed, the jacket did work, the Mojave Scout outfit still did not, and everything was right as rain. I did notice a couple issues (the unique pistols are spelled 'pistole' when they shouldn't have the 'e', the picture of Rarity on the Rarity jacket is mirrored on the right side so the text is backwards...), but nothing that would make textures everywhere become horribly broken.


I guess they just screwed it up themselves? 's nothing to get worked up over, they'll figure it out. Other than the Mojave Scout outfit, everything works.


(Love the ponies, by the way. :3)

Edited by PickleJar
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The Scout outfit but has assigned a mesh and it is also included. (also fits the texture set). The failure of the jacket is limited because the texture is mirrored half. The errors can occur, perhaps when the BMT mod loads after my Mod? :blink: (rather than before)


the scout outfit will screw up no matter where the BMT mod is in the load order. did you set the textures up in nif skope as C:/programfiles/fallout newvegas/data/textures/(scoutoutfit)/ or did as /textures/(scoutoutfit)?


other than the invisible changing pants, it crashes my game when i go to eldorodo dry lake.

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People I've found the error of the Scout outfits. It was but the texture sets. Thank's for the help.


The bug affects all the textures but I still do not know.


The fix is available in a few minutes.


awesome will be downloading.

also this is a bit offtopic but could you pm me where i can find the balacava?

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