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[LE] Catch all events?


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Hi everyone. Let's say I want to log everything that happens when someone is playing, such as 'player picked up [...]', 'player entered area [...]', 'player started quest [...]', etc. In reality I'm hoping to do something more interesting than just logging, but that's not important atm.


Does anyone know the best way of doing this? I'm new to Papyrus, but any tips on the best way of approaching this would be greatly appreciated

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Some of these can be caught through the story manager, others through events in scripts applied to a player alias, and you might be able to do something with magic effect conditionals to build pseudo-events for stuff that conditions can check for but Papyrus cannot, of which there are a number.


It's a pretty ambitious thing to try and get *everything*, though.

Edited by foamyesque
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