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New update corrupted my saves, reinstall all mods


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I'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem but with the newest update to skyrim and fallout, all my saves became corrupted. So i restarted on skyrim and of course i had to update skyui and racemenu, skse, and other mods that require skse, which you always have to do when the game is updated. but this time after doing the updates, almost none the mods I was using worked. I had to uninstall and reinstall all 200. Has anyone else had this happen to them on this newest patch to Skyrim SE? Hell, Fallout 4 still doesn't play right, I can't get it to play in full 1080. Even after changing all of the settings and ini files, launching the game it still launches in 720, and its obvious because of the way the menus and pip boy are oversized. and If i run it in borderless windowed mode, it runs in a window in the top left of my screen, proving that its still in 720, because if it was in 1080 it would fill the screen. wtf.

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