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Frostfall and Imp's Complex Needs--Your thoughts on them?


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So I like to have more immersion in my game.

I try to eat food and drink (even got the "Be a Milk Drinker" mod so I didn't have to have just alcohol).

I go to the inn if it's too dark (don't have a house yet) as I have a "dark nights" mod that really does make it dark and torch's don't last forever.

I also like to sit by the fireplace when it's raining/snowing.

So, I found these two mods and the "Basic" version of Imp's mod looks perfect because if I put it in conjunction with Frostfall's mod it might be too overwhelming.

With Frostfall, though, I'm not if I should use "Classic" or "Lite".


So, what are your thoughts? Do you use one? Both? Another mod set?

I'm curious :happy:



Here are the mods for reference:



Edited by AdventureGirl
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I use both together, customized versions, but I guess i use hardcore for frostfall and imp both, and skyrim has never been more enjoyable for me. It isn't really too hard to play them with both on hardcore, just make sure you bring food, and have a tent and a firekit ready just in case.
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