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Mods for a voldemort or orochimaru evil/dark magicka character? horcrux mod?


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i want to make a character mainly based around raising the dead and conjuration but with all facets of magicka pretty much. also was wondering if there was a mod that had something like a horcrux where i could like put part of my soul in an object, so when i die im not totally dead or something (might should do a mod request)? i believe i already know of a mod that allows me to like create a faction.


are there any mods you would suggest for like a dark or bad/evil character? i want to do a playthru where im like a villian almost. ill still probably do a lot of the canon quests and not just mods but anything that you think would be good for like a voldemort or orochimaru type of character :smile: i do want to have some developement, where like they dont totally start off as bad but become evil with the more power they gain and the darker they turn

apologies if this is the wrong category


edit: ive already had a few vampire playthrus so i dont think ill go that route this time

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