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Since 1.6: Game Freeze while riding Horse + fightanimation non-existen


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Hi (english is not my native language, but should be ok)


Since 1.6 my Skyrim will freeze randomly after I start riding my Horse or move out of a Dungeon. The Backroundsound is still running. I waitet like 5 minutes once and there is still music and wind-noise but game itself is freezed.


Also the new horse-fight has no animation. The Character just stands still on top of the Horse. I can hit enemys with my sword but the bow doesnt work. i'm shooting no arrow's




Yes, I'm using some mods. Thats why i'm here lol. The only mod that I have installed for the horse was the 1.5 speedupdate. I uninstalled it already but same result. I also don't use any grafic mods like 2k HD for example because my computer is to old for it. Only Bodymods, some skintextures and armormods are in use. I dont have a animkationmod as well which requires FNIS for example. :confused:


I updated my Graphiccard-software to the newest 12.4 Catalyst but the result is the same. Yet I dont want to uninstall all mods and check step by step which one makes the issue because I overwrited some mods with other in past and I dont know the order anymore so I could not have the same result as I have yet in the end so I hope one of you smart guys has a solution before I have to do that. I tested as well a community-patch I found with Google with a youtobeguide , but that doesnt help as well :(


 Problemereignisname:	AppHangB1
 Anwendungsname:	TESV.exe
 Anwendungszeitstempel:	4fc520a3
 Absturzsignatur:	2cf5
 Absturztyp:	2048
 Betriebsystemversion:	6.1.7601.
 Gebietsschema-ID:	1031
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1:	2cf5d290cba97123eea449a5ae0b8a22
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2:	d5a1
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3:	d5a10eccd4974778f75e31b6faaff014
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4:	2cf5
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5:	2cf5d290cba97123eea449a5ae0b8a22
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6:	d5a1
 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7:	d5a10eccd4974778f75e31b6faaff014

Edited by Ulrezaj11
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