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3rd person view help


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For some reason, my skyrim now 3rd person view is different. when i zoom out.. the character is on the right side of the screen whereas before he was on the left side.. how do i change this back? i went through all the options.. thanks in advance!

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@AmitB89, hi, if Steam recently updated Skyrim to patch v1.6, its likely that one of your body/animation mods

either needs to be updated by the modder or uninstalled for now.

Check the modders comments sections or look for possible updates that fix the issue.

When Bethesda created the new mounted combat feature they needed to change some core files that mods had dependencies.

Specifically the new 'Update.bsa' replaces files in '\Skyrim\Data\Meshes' like nif's, scripts, animations, and cameras.


"i went through all the options.." there isn't a control option to switch 3rd person camera view to the left or right side.

You probably just have a mod version that is incompatible with the new update..

Anyway, try to discover which mod is malfunctioning by troubleshooting using disable/uninstall one at a time.

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