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Anti-phobia humanoids...


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Title says it all.

A mod that removes/replaces all humans(friendly and not), supermutants, ghouls and synths with regular (mutated) animals and/or robots.

It really is not a "phobia" thing for me but I'd like to complete my survival simulation overhaul and bring it closer to a realistic setting. There is no struggle for survival when you can pickup shitload of stuff from all the corpses...


I know that it might affect the quests etc. but I don't care. I want it to couple with Alternate Start.

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You could use Zombie Walkers and change basically every NPC to a feral ghoul. you can also choose them to not drop loot and lower the XP they give so you level up slower. Set the walker speed to fast (run, or whatever it is) and st to Head Kills Only for more of a challenge.


Basically, you would just choose just all the humanoid NPCs to replace with Feral Ghouls if you wanna keep the other wasteland creatures. The Holotape is very customizable and pretty self explanatory.

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