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El`derina Vampirism


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Now hunter's sight being stuck is just one of my problems. I managed to turn off night eye through the console but I still have the detect life part still in effect and it's slightly annoying plus on the effects page...hunter's sight is still an effect. I just toggled off the night-eye effect. On top of that being an issue I have double everything like double vampire lvls one says 47 the other says 50. Double Sun Damage both say 20. It's as if it's reading the esp twice...which makes no sense to me. I realize that something might be conflicting and the only thing I would possibly see conflicting is Ren's Beauty pack...has anyone had this problem using her/his mod? I got it it from http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com and I would post something on there...but the mod itself seems pretty much dead.


Anyone know where to send me? I tried to turn off the esp file...but I still have double everything vampire related.


EDIT: Well I downloaded OBMM cause I was reading around and found out it can find out what conflicts with what. And it seems that Ren's beauty pack conflicts with 4 new races fer Ren's and Tamrielic Ingredients just conflicts with just about everything lol....which makes no sense...since...I wouldn't think Slof's Kahjiit have anything to do with ingredients...how would I fix it? Would I just have to turn them off? I was getting used to the ingredients too...

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Was the character a vampire before you activated the mod? If so, it might be 'recreating' the effects a second time. There are a few ways to fix it, one is opening up your levelupdata.ini, which you should find in the oblivion folder, just open it in the word pad, then find the character that has the effects you described and find the spell effect ID's in the ini file. Once you've written the effect ID's down, go the the game, open the console and type player.removespell -insert spell ID here- . This is just a workaround and not a permanent fix, you might wanna try what happens when you create a new save and make the character a vampire to test if it happens on all characters that turn to vampires, or only the characters that were vampires before the mod was turned on.
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She wasn't a vampire before hand she'd just gotten the disease the mod said it'd work for existing vampires. But I will try making a new character completely and get back to you.


BTW, it turned out I had Kashi's vamp mod on the same time I had derina's and so I turned off Kashi's...and it APPEARED to be working...except now I get no sun damage...which makes me feel like i'm cheating but w/e. And my vampirism is at 0...yet I still get perks....

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