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Need Restoration skill building mod


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I've noticed that exercising my restoration skill isn't like in Oblivion, where you can just keep healing yourself, even if your health bar is full, and gain restoration experience. Unfortunately, in Skyrim, if your health bar is full, healing yourself doesn't work... and the ward spells only work if spells are impacting them. So I was wondering, there's a mod from the Steam Workshop that allows you to exercise destruction on training dummies... so I was wondering if someone could make a mod that allows you to train restoration in a similar fashion. Now dummies don't need healing, but there are plenty of injured soldiers in the Imperial and Stormcloak camps, and some sick people in Whiterun's Temple of Kynereth. So, sould someone make a mod so that I could use a healing spell on these soldiers and sick people so I could exercise my restoration?
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