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Is there some code to kill Delphine?


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Hi everyone, i have a lot of questions today but we will talk about only one, and its this below this line.


Is there some code to destroy her essential, and let us kill her and all the blades?

I already defeat Alduin, and i think that she is not so important, and she said to kill Paarthurnax (one thing that i will not forgive :verymad: ).





Thanks for any information. :biggrin:

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I'm hazy on the syntax details, but the command you're looking for is setessential. The format is either setessential (refid) (boolean), or setessential (boolean) so you would do the following:


1. Open console.

2. run command help Delphine 0 (or, since 1.6, just help Delphine)

3. Find the NPC reference number that comes up.

4. Run the command setessential XXXXXXXX 0 (where XXXXXXXX is Delphine's reference id and 0 indicates "off" in boolean integer. Note that any leading zeroes don't have to be involved, so if her refid was 00001234, you would only need setessential 1234 0 for it to work.)


This should make Delphine non-essential. If that doesn't work, find Delphine, click her, and run setessential 0. I really don't recall whether it's the former or the latter, as I don't often have to change the essential status of an npc.



You might also try The Paarthunax Dilemma for your future game runs, so that you can just tell her off for telling you to kill off Grandmaster P, and move on with the questline.

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I'm hazy on the syntax details, but the command you're looking for is setessential. The format is either setessential (refid) (boolean), or setessential (boolean) so you would do the following:


1. Open console.

2. run command help Delphine 0 (or, since 1.6, just help Delphine)

3. Find the NPC reference number that comes up.

4. Run the command setessential XXXXXXXX 0 (where XXXXXXXX is Delphine's reference id and 0 indicates "off" in boolean integer. Note that any leading zeroes don't have to be involved, so if her refid was 00001234, you would only need setessential 1234 0 for it to work.)


This should make Delphine non-essential. If that doesn't work, find Delphine, click her, and run setessential 0. I really don't recall whether it's the former or the latter, as I don't often have to change the essential status of an npc.



You might also try The Paarthunax Dilemma for your future game runs, so that you can just tell her off for telling you to kill off Grandmaster P, and move on with the questline.


Thanks man, i always really wanted too kill her but she always had her essential.But now i can kill her. :devil:

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