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Modding The Witcher 3 using Vortex - Guide Request


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I've been trying to get mods working through Vortex and ran into nothing but issues once Red Engine compiles. All the Vortex guides I've seen deal with Skyrim (maybe there was some using Fallout). From what I've read, it seems some folks favor using The Witcher 3 Mod Manager instead of Vortex, but personally I much prefer the interface of Vortex.


For anyone who has successfully set up mods and run them for TW3 using Vortex, would you please write up a guide on how to best do this? Certain concerns are:


1) Does mod download and install order matter? (i.e. if I download and install "mod b" before "mod a" will it cause an issue where I would need to rearrange them?)


2) If order does matter and is not automatically handled / resolved by Vortex, is there a way to do it manually, and if so, how best to go about it? How do you know what needs to be where?


3) If the red engine runs into compiling errors, what do you need to look for in the error messages to be able to tell what to fix? When fixing, what are best practices in order to keep things clean?


Any other tips, tricks or step-by-steps would be much appreciated.


Thank you!

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Use script merger for compiler issues.


1) No, the naming of the mods determine the load order. (Game loads mods alphabetically). Or the load order file.

2) Vertex or NMM doesn't impact load order, nor does it make the load order file.

3) Run Script Merger.

4) Stop using Vertex or NMM and just install mods manually. It's drag and drop for most mods anyways.

5) Use Witcher 3 Mod Manager if you must use a mod manager. It can install DLC-mods, make load orders and keybindings.

Edited by KoalaNalle
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