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Fallout New Vegas: What Happend to Texas Hold'em and 5 Card Stud?


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New Vegas has Caravann, Roulette, Slots, even Black Jack. These are things that are common in both worlds. Vegas isn't Vegas Without Poker. Someone should put Poker in New Vegas. What do you think?




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I think that since the gambling games have very specialized menus, and are pretty much fully hardcoded into the game, that it'd be almost impossible to add new ones without access to the game code and the ability to make new custom menus. Since nobody except the game devs can do that, and since they don't seem to like the Fallout world as much as the TES world, I doubt it'll ever happen.


Also, Texas Hold 'Em was not brought to Vegas until the 1960s. Since Fallout is based on a 1950s style world, we can maybe assume that the game never made it to Vegas.


As for 5 card, I think that if I wanted to play 5 card, I'd gather up a friend and play a hand or two. If I really want to play I'd head downtown to a casino (RL casino, yes. No, not Vegas) and play a few games. Poker is just to bland a game for a series like Fallout. Personally I find Caravan to be a vastly more fun and challenging game that requires skill as much as luck, as opposed to poker, which is mostly a luck based game with some skill in bluffing, which doesn't work at all against a computer.


In fact, I like Caravan so much, that I taught it to a friend and we play RL games every now and then, as a fun diversion.

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