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Some Skyrim mods do not open in Vortex, must manually download.


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Cutting room floor, FNIS sexy moves for example not working for others as well for a download link? I have to manually download them.

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I assume you did click the "Download: Vortex" or the "Mod Manager download" button on those mods? What exactly happened when you did that? Was it for Skyrim or Skyrim SE?


Both mods you mention have requirements, so you will have to click "Download" again on the requirements popup to actually trigger the download in Vortex.

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Skyrim SE, and I clicked the right ones, been playing with hundreds of mods for years. ;)

They just don't open in vortex. And I tested it and when Vortex is closed it won't open at all. Some of the former NMM files haven't been updated correctly I assume.

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