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Need help with placing LooksMirror into own playerhome mod


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Not the one where you put the mirror ingame via workshop mode, what I'm trying to accomplish is placing the mirror with creationkit. Such as Elianora's playerhome mod's, which have mirrors that allow the player to open looksmenu. I'm sure scripts are needed for this and I'm a complete newb at those.

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Well the easiest way would be your mod being dependent on LooksMirror. Load them both up in the CK, set yours as active, find it somewhere in the container / furniture section and place it in your home. As long as your game loads looksmirror's esp first there shouldn't be a problem, I reckon.

Edited by dikr
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Well the easiest way would be your mod being dependent on LooksMirror. Load them both up in the CK, set yours as active, find it somewhere in the container / furniture section and place it in your home. As long as your game loads looksmirror's esp first there shouldn't be a problem, I reckon.

Well i thought of that too, but the problem is looksmirror needs to be crafted ingame and i don't see which container in CK is the one used for looksmirror. If possible, could you take a look and let me know ?

Thanks for the reply

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In order to make it usable you need to create (if there is none already) an activator (a container would work as well, but you would see both menus at the same time) using the mirror nif, then attach a new script to this mirror, and use the OnActivate event to open the looks menu:




Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
   If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())

Use Game.ShowRaceMenu(uiMode = 1) instead if you don't want that the sex can be changed.

Edited by DieFeM
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Well the easiest way would be your mod being dependent on LooksMirror. Load them both up in the CK, set yours as active, find it somewhere in the container / furniture section and place it in your home. As long as your game loads looksmirror's esp first there shouldn't be a problem, I reckon.

Well i thought of that too, but the problem is looksmirror needs to be crafted ingame and i don't see which container in CK is the one used for looksmirror. If possible, could you take a look and let me know ?

Thanks for the reply



Not near a CK at the moment so can't help you with that. It's easy to sort CK items if you expand the size of the window to sort on the date of object entries. Modded ID's mostly have a younger date. Also you could look at the Constructible Object for the Mirror to see exactly which item it adds to the workshop menu.


Otherwise coding it yourself like DieFeM suggests should work too and prevents your mod needing a dependency on Looks MIrror I guess.

Edited by dikr
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In order to make it usable you need to create (if there is none already) an activator (a container would work as well, but you would see both menus at the same time) using the mirror nif, then attach a new script to this mirror, and use the OnActivate event to open the looks menu:




Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
   If(akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())

Use Game.ShowRaceMenu(uiMode = 1) instead if you don't want that the sex can be changed.

I'll give this a try, thank you

Edited by Frostbite10
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I've been trying it, and is not that easy, it shows the looks menu, but it doesn't place the camera in the right angle, so I ended up creating a Furniture object instead, with the mirror and a marker called MarkerSinkFaceGen:




Model: SetDressing\PlayerHouse\PlayerHouse_BathroomMirror02.nif

Marker: Markers\MarkerSinkFacegen.nif


Click on the Interact Point 0 and set the Marker Position/Orientation at X=0.0 Y=-62.0 Z=-117.0 Rotation=0.0 and check all Marker Available Entry Types.


Add the keywords AnimFurnSinkFacegen, FurnitureCantWait and FurnitureForce3rdPerson


Add a new script, name it whatever you want, and after the scriptname line, add the next code:

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
		RegisterForAnimationEvent(akActionRef As Actor, "idleChairSitting")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	If(akSource == Game.GetPlayer() && asEventName == "idleChairSitting")
		UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akSource As Actor, "idleChairSitting")
		RegisterForRemoteEvent(akSource As Actor, "OnGetUp")
		; give the load a second to get the player in the furniture
		; dont show compass
		; no saving or waiting
		Game.SetInCharGen(True, True, False)
		; make sure player has CharGen Skeleton for editing
		(akSource As Actor).SetHasCharGenSkeleton()
		; precache the face gen data
		Game.ShowRaceMenu(uimode = 1)

Event Actor.OnGetUp(Actor akSender, ObjectReference akFurniture)
	If (akFurniture == Self && akSender == Game.GetPlayer())	
		UnregisterForRemoteEvent(akSender As Actor, "OnGetUp")
		; reset the surgery
		Game.SetInCharGen(False, False, False)
		(akSender As Actor).SetHasCharGenSkeleton(False)

But it still have a couple of errors:

- Editing the body it doesn't move the camera to the proper angle.

- The face shows this brown skin.


Edited by DieFeM
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This one fixes the "black skin" and also removes the pointer (the dot in the middle of the screen):

InputEnableLayer ControllerEnableLayer

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
		RegisterForAnimationEvent(akActionRef As Actor, "idleChairSitting")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
	If(akSource == Game.GetPlayer() && asEventName == "idleChairSitting")
		UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akSource As Actor, "idleChairSitting")
		RegisterForRemoteEvent(akSource As Actor, "OnGetUp")
		; Precache the face gen data
		; Give the load a couple of seconds to get the player in the furniture
		; Make sure the player can not move
		ControllerEnableLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create()
		ControllerEnableLayer.DisablePlayerControls(abLooking=True, abCamSwitch=True, abSneaking = True)

		; Disable Z-Key (Pointer)
		; Do not show compass
		; No saving or waiting
		Game.SetInCharGen(True, True, False)
		; Make sure player has CharGen Skeleton for editing
		(akSource As Actor).SetHasCharGenSkeleton()
		Game.ShowRaceMenu(uimode = 1)

Event Actor.OnGetUp(Actor akSender, ObjectReference akFurniture)
	If (akFurniture == Self && akSender == Game.GetPlayer())	
		UnregisterForRemoteEvent(akSender As Actor, "OnGetUp")
		; Reset the surgery
		Game.SetInCharGen(False, False, False)
		(akSender As Actor).SetHasCharGenSkeleton(False)
		; Make sure the player can move again
		;Enable Z-Key

PD: Sorry for double posting.

Edited by DieFeM
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Thank you, you've been a great help. However, I'm stuck at "create property from form", there are no properties for me to select
In game, the mirror works, but it just shows the player using the furniture, no menu whatsoever shows up.

Compiler was successful with no errors.

Edited by Frostbite10
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I managed to figure out the create property from form, and it's working, thank you so much !


Currently, i'm trying to figure out a few things.

1: Mirror button says E) Sit, I want to change it to E) Edit Appearance (Solved, activate text override)

2: Activate light when using the mirror to light up the player face (by ticking initially disabled on the lights, the lights still light up in game)


If you know the solution to these please do tell, in the meantime I'll try it out myself.

Thanks again

Edited by Frostbite10
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