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what do you think about this work?


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hi guys! i've finished a retexture for my upcoming mod, what do you think about it?

finished textures

armor base mesh

also i need suggestion on accessories i can add to the armor, what you see in the shot is only the base mesh, i still have to add some accessories that resemble two themes, a wise king theme and a barbaric conqueror theme, i have good ideas for the barbaric version, but the wise king version is still not so clear in my mind, make your suggestion and i might take them in consideration.


ps sorry for my english




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A dragon or a pheonix on the chest near the neck for the wise king?

And some scratches and hit marks fpr the barbaric conqueror, maybe add some lines like "Fight or die" or "The world shall be mine" engrave in to the armor? :D

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mmh that would be cool, but working on the textures is not so simple and i'm afraid to make the work look too kitsch with an exagerated amount of detail, i don't know, i was thinking about some objects that could resemble the theme like some books on the bels of the wise/philosopher king and crowned skulls on the belt of the conqueror (the skulls of the defeated kings).
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