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When Automatron came out I got really excited for three things...... Eyebot companions, Robot Scavengers, and a liberty prime inspired automatron..... AS NONE OF THESE CAME TO PASS...... I'm putting out a challenge, Scavenger bots. The idea being you have eyebots scouting locations, and protectrons cleaning out places you have cleared, like when you clear out gunners plaza, so much loot and junk.... it would take 8 or so trips. but if you send a robot to go collect it you can focus on other things, like building your settlements, fighting raiders, taking inappropriate screenshots of curie. looking wistfully at that empty ass area of the map where aspiring modders could put a Massive fortress and there would be no conflict with other mods... you know the one.... just east of the glowing sea...

More to the point.... Scavenger protectrons, going the way of the eyebot pods you can place down those glass cases protectrons stand in with an attached console, much like the eyebot pods.You can send them to locations you've discovered to clear out the area and fill your work bench, AND, if you can get them to go on eyebot quests for you, Kudos.... I'm tired of trekking half way across the map for 5 steel when I can be doing other crap....

Hell, it doesn't have to be protectrons... send an army of mr handys into the wasteland with Blamco Brand feather dusters and have them do what they keep saying they could do..... clean up the Commonwealth, for your benefit!

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