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Ain't that a Kick in the Head?


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Halfway to the hunk of metal on the horizon, Versing took a swig of water. Despite this, he found that his vision was fuzzy. He shook his head to make his it clear, which didn't work. Eventually it cleared on its own, but he remained troubled about it. It was quite clear to him now that somehow his health was beginning to fail, or he was getting sick. He could clearly see now that the hunk of metal was actually a walled-off town. He gripped his service rifle tight. He couldn't tell their disposition yet.


"Welcome to Megaton. Friendliest town around." A run-of-the-mill Securitron stood out in front of the gates. Versing was just happy that neither it nor the town was shooting at him right now. He walked through the front gates to the town, Megaton, and was greeted by an african-american man in a cowboy uniform, with a sheriff's star on the lapel. He slung his rifle over his shoulder, but remained quite clearly tense.

"I hope you're not planning any trouble with that rifle of yours." The sheriff told him. He had a deep voice, and in his hands he held a chinese assault rifle. Versing knew that those rifles packed a punch and fired fast. If the sheriff decided to drop him, there's no way he would survive.

"Not unless trouble finds me first." Versing replied, looking the sheriff straight in the eyes. It was clear despite his wild, alert eyes that he was being honest.... No, that he was an honest man. The sheriff lowered his rifle.

"Then welcome to Megaton. I'm Lucas Simms, the sheriff."

"Versing. I'm just here to get some supplies and maybe a doctor, then I'm gone. No need to worry about me." Versing relaxed a little.

"Alright. Let me know if there's any trouble." Lucas Simms walked away.


"Versing walked around a little, looking for a shop where he could sell his loot. He passed by the Brass Lantern, which seemed to be a restaurant, and Moriarty's, which was a bar. Just past Moriarty's he found Craterside Supply. It was the closest thing he saw to a gun shop, so he entered. Inside, a young woman in a Robco jumpsuit greeted him, while a shady-looking guard stared at him from a corner.

"Welcome to Craterside Supply! I'm Moira Brown, author of the Wasteland Survival Guide, and the owner of the shop. I'll buy items as well as sell, so you're good on both counts!" She had big, brown, slightly eccentric eyes, but she was harmless. Versing could tell that much right away.

"I'm looking to do a bit of both. First things first, I've got a pistol and some rounds to sell, along with some other things." He managed to sell the items for 284 caps, with the pistol and ammo making up the majority of the profits. When all that was done, he bought 72 .556 rounds, 26 9mm rounds, some water and some food. He didn't have enough money to get his NCR breastplate repaired, but he knew that he had enough to get medical treatment if he got shot. He was surprised that nobody had asked him about his uniform yet, but didn't complain. Packing everything up, he walked out the door again, with fresh supplies enough to last him quite a while. He decided to go up to the saloon to get some information on the surrounding area. He staggered a little on the way as his vision got fuzzy again, eventually forcing him to stop outside the saloon door, leaning against the wall for balance and waiting until it cleared again.

Edited by Flipout6
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"Well, would 1000 caps do? I get paid as an assassin, and hardly use any of the money except to buy Ammo these days. That, and rations. So, old boy, would you like to take some? There is no worries about paying me back, I just want to get rid of some of this crap in my bag." Greebo says.


Sandro does not lower his gun. "Last warning, smoothskin. You lower that gun, or I fill you with holes!"

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Vlad smiled and shook his head, "Caps won't do me good in the future, I'm fine friend, really." He then leans his head back looking up the ceiling.

"Piece of junk these houses are made, all of taped together metals, nailed side by side." He grinned. "Paying for the doc is well enough."


Doc Church then returned carrying some odd alcohol, a needle, and some sort of thread and said. "Alright this might hurt, please unwrap your bandages and dispose of them here." He kicked to a small open can, half full with empty cans, bottles, balled paper, and all assortments of debris. Vlad unwrapped his bandage around his head, the bandaged was the stain of blood in its purest form. Vlad dumped in the trash, his head revealing a large gash that ran across the top of his forehead. It was a large cut, very deep as well. The doc made a odd expression as if he was a little surprised of the size.


Doc then nodded, grabbing a chair as well, he then puts on some glasses and begins the process. Vlad curses under his tongue as the doc breaches his skin with the needle.

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Axelle quickly stuck her hand into her pocket and dropped the bloody caps inside. Then, her face blank, she walked robotically toward the door and slipped outside, blood dripping from her hand. As soon as the door closed behind her and the stale-smelling wind hit her face, her brow furrowed and she roared with rage, sick of being helpless the second guns were pulled out. Angry, she punched the wall of the saloon over and over, until her knuckles screamed out in protest and dripped with streams of blood. Her arms limply returned to her sides, flicking droplets of blood onto the metal beneath her.


The saloon's door opened and Moriarty's grey head poked its way out, then his body followed. Immediately, he pulled a cigarette out of his coat pocket and lit up, taking a deep drag. "What's with you? That little show sure entertained me enough. You still... bored?" He spoke without looking at Axelle, his eyes trained on the city beneath him. The monster.


Axelle spat at Moriarty's feet and didn't acknowledge him with an answer.

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Sandro looked daggers at the man, and walked out of the saloon, Chips in tow. He found Axelle with her hands bloody, and saw dents in the wall, which indicated she had been punching the wall. He actually felt bad for the kid, and crouches to be at eye level, and surprised even himself by giving her a brief hug.

"Hey, kid, come on now. Tell me what's the matter. Was it the man? Is it this fool? *Jerks thumb at Moriarty* Tell me what's bothering you?"


Greebo smiled. "Just tell me what your debt amount is old boy. I can help you out."

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"12 thousand caps, With interest." Vlad said as he winced a bit. Doc Church blinked on, carelessly as he finishes the stitches. "He doesn't really want the money..he just wants kill me for some odd fun." Vlad sighs as he looks looks quite ahsamed at the amount, he looked uncomfortable when saying the total amount.

As the doc finished his incessant stitching he stood up and said "Good as new, now I am going to bandage that up for you." He then wrapped a thin layer of bandage around his head.

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Axelle only blinked back a few tears and swallowed as Sandro hugged her.


"Raiders..." Axelle said, her eyes trained straight ahead at nothingness, her vision blurred and out of focus. "Guns, explosives... And an old man who was all I had left in life." She paused, then mumbled, "You do the math." After a few seconds, and an astonished glare from Moriarty that was quickly replaced with an emotionless glare, she elaborated, just to make the malicious fellow feel worse. "My grandpa was killed by Raiders. Disemboweled in front of my eyes. Before the blue hair, before I had five holes in my face, I was just a normal girl living with the only family she had left... But Raiders can't let other people live peacefully while they see a pretty little girl with an old man as her only protection. I'll let you fill in the rest of what they did to me after killing my grandpa. Long story short, I bashed in their heads with a crowbar when they turned around, and I'm afraid to use a gun now."

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"12 thousand? I get paid 1000 per kill. I have way more than that. I already have a house, and furniture, and weapons. All of it. So.." Greebo goes into his bag, and tosses the bigger of his money bags to Vlad. "Count it. that enough?"



Sandro looks at Axelle with sympathy. "Kid, what happened to you ain't reason to avoid guns, and that is why you will have problems like this when around people with guns. Now, I can teach you to use them, and not be afraid, but fist hold out your hands."

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